Translated version of test.txtdiv.big{border-width: 2px 0 0;border-style: solid}div.small{border-width: 1px 0 0;border-style: solid;margin:0 0 2px}div.header {width: 100%;height: 40px;padding: 0;text-align: center;}h1 {font-size: 22px;margin: 0;padding: 6px;}div.main{width: 100%;top: 45px;bottom: 0;left: 0;overflow: auto;position: absolute;}iframe.around{border-width:0}Translated version of test.txtBitcoin will be mined with wind power

Bitcoin mining is one of the activities that has the greatest demand for electricity. And, the need to use specialized devices for mining, due to its complexity. It has led to the creation of instruments that require large amounts of energy to be able to solve cryptographic operations and execute transactions.

The centralization of Bitcoin

One of the main criticisms that have emerged against Bitcoin in recent times is its excessive centralization. And, because with the passage of time, the operations for the mining of BTC have become more complicated. The use of special instruments is required to seal the chain blocks.

This has led to a requirement to enter the cryptocurrency mine. Well, only those individuals or groups of individuals with sufficient purchasing power to acquire these devices, can participate in the mining of Bitcoin.

Which has led to detractors of the direction that the cryptocurrency has followed, have tried to create alternative currencies. Which would rescue, according to them, the initial democratic spirit of Bitcoin. Thus retaking the plan of 中本聪.

However, none of these experiments has been nearly as successful as Bitcoin. Therefore, the process of centralization of mining power (and therefore dry power) within the platform has continued. With a group of large mining farms handling most of the mining. Using expensive machines, large consumers of electricity.

An eco friendly alternative

It is to this excessive use of electrical energy that Layer1 would be targeting. A company that tries to develop methods for mining Bitcoin, which takes advantage of the existence of renewable energy. And more specifically, wind power.

The company's goal is to establish a BTC mining operation, fully powered by wind power, for next year. It would be located in western Texas, for which they are raising funds. Having already obtained 20 million dollars to do his job.

According to the company's argument, this use of wind energy for BTC mining does not mean a deviation from it from other more important uses. This would be so, because «Renewable energies are still fundamentally under-utilized. So they are not really a zero sum game «.

That is, the use of renewable energy for Bitcoin mining does not mean the decrease in energy available for other uses. But, on the contrary, the increase in total wind generation capacity. This thanks to the investment of Layer1.

This is why we chose this as our Data of the Day here in CriptoTendencia. Well, one of the main criticisms of Bitcoin is the enormous energy consumption of its mining. Therefore, an initiative like that of Layer1 is a great example of the cryptocurrency's potential. To continue developing in a sustainable way.

资讯来源:由0x资讯编译自BTC-ECHO。版权归作者Christopher Klee所有,未经许可,不得转载