
galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout huge photo comp header Joel Chokkattu /数字趋势


嗯,这是2019年中期,是时候进行更新了。在今年年中的相机拍摄中,我们目前正在关注今年迄今为止六款顶级拍照手机:三星Galaxy S10 Plus,华为P30 Pro,Google Pixel 3a,OnePlus 7 Pro,诺基亚9 PureView和iPhone XS Max。为何选择iPhone?是不是从2018年开始?是的,对于所有iOS用户,我们希望在此测试中使用iPhone,这样您就可以看到最新的Android手机与最好的iPhone相比如何。


首先,对这些手机的相机硬件进行快速入门打包。 Galaxy S10 Plus采用三相机系统,配备一个标准的1200万像素镜头,可变f / 1.5至f / 2.4光圈,一个1200万像素远摄镜头,f / 2.4光圈,一个1600万像素广角镜头f / 2.2光圈。前两者也具​​有光学图像稳定性。在正面,有一个1000万像素镜头,f / 1.9光圈,以及一个800万像素镜头,f / 2.2光圈,可捕捉纵向模式自拍的深度。它的成本为1,000美元。

华为的P30 Pro还有三个主要摄像头:一个40万像素f / 1.6标准镜头,配备OIS配备广角20万像素f / 2.2镜头,以及长焦800万像素f / 3.4潜望镜镜头,也有OIS。还有一个用于深度感应的飞行时间传感器。华为表示,它重新设计了彩色滤光片,使用RYYB而不是传统的RGGB,将绿色取代为黄色,让光线更亮。据报道,这可以使更多的光线通过,从而产生更好的低光图像。自拍相机包含32万像素,f / 2.0光圈。你不能在美国购买这款手机,但价格为1000美元。

Pixel 3a和3a XL将Pixel 3的旗舰相机体验带到了更低的价位。您将获得具有f / 1.8光圈和OIS的相同的1220万像素单镜头相机,并且它具有所有相同的软件功能,包括人像模式和夜视。不过,前置摄像头是不同的。它仍然是一个800万像素的镜头,但具有f / 2.0光圈和固定焦距,并且在84度时比通常的视野更宽。这是我们名单上最实惠的手机,分别只需400美元和3a和370美元。

OnePlus 7 Pro,如三星和华为最新款手机,拥有三相机系统,包括一个1600万像素的广角镜头,f / 2.2光圈,48万像素标准,f / 1.6光圈和OIS,以及带有f / 2.4光圈和OIS的800万像素长焦镜头。正面有一个弹出式摄像头,1600万像素和f / 2.0光圈。 OnePlus 7 Pro的起价为670美元。

接下来是诺基亚9 PureView,其背面配备了五个相机系统。它们都具有1200万像素和f / 1.8光圈,当您拍摄照片时,它们会合并数据以创建一个详细的图像。相机捕获RAW和JPEG图像,以及大量深度信息。正面有一个20万像素的自拍相机。它的价格是700美元。

最后,我们有iPhone XS Max。它是一个1200万像素的主摄像头,带有f / 1.8光圈,旁边是另一个带有f / 2.4光圈的1200万像素远摄镜头。两者都有OIS。自拍相机是Apple用于Face ID的TrueDepth 700万像素相机系统。它有一个f / 2.2光圈。 iPhone XS Max是这个名单上最贵的,价格为1,100美元。




一些快速笔记:这些照片是在两周前拍摄的,OnePlus从此发布了相机更新。相机已经改进,因此只是在观看图像时考虑因素。我不认为相机更新后7 Pro的结果会在这里彻底改变其结果。

诺基亚9 PureView也是一款专为摄影师和修补匠设计的手机。它可以拍摄RAW和JPEG,在Adobe Lightroom等应用程序中编辑照片时,RAW文件可以为您提供更多工作。在这里,我们只关注JPEG图像,但我们已经包含了一些比较来显示已编辑的RAW照片,您还可以在这里查看相机中的所有RAW图像。

最后,还有其他我们喜欢的手机,包括华硕ZenFone 6和LG V50 ThinQ。但是,我们不得不限制设备的数量,所以我们不得不做出一些牺牲。密切关注此页面,了解即将推出的相机枪战现在,进行测试



galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the vessel“aria-describedby =”gallery-22-2348812 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the vessel max“aria-describedby =”gallery-22-2348813 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the vessel pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-22-2348814 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the vessel“aria-describedby =”gallery-22-2348815 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the vessel xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-22-2348816 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the vessel samsung plus“aria-describedby =”gallery-22-2348817

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

我们从位于纽约市Hudson Yards的新艺术装置The Vessel开始。从华为P30专业版开始,当您查看船只周围的建筑物时,会出现过多的偏红色调。 iPhone XS Max照片具有更好的白平衡,看起来最自然。诺基亚9突然出现了一个漂亮的船只,但我更喜欢iPhone照片上的天空。 OnePlus 7 Pro过度曝光了照片(最新更新后照片中的对比度更高)。

Pixel 3a XL表现出色,具有出色的白平衡和正确的色彩。我认为它在技术上优于其他产品,但令人惊讶的是,我不想分享这张照片。该奖项授予Galaxy S10 Plus。我希望船只能够弹出,而S10 Plus的图像肯定会如此。船只闪亮而且脱颖而出 – 与Pixel 3a照片中的喜怒无常的黑色船只形成鲜明对比。图像的其余部分略微过度饱和 – 例如,树木有点太绿了 – 但它最终是获胜的镜头,因为焦点在于船只,它最能突出它。

获奖者:Galaxy S10 Plus


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout yellow motorcycle“aria-describedby =”gallery-23-2348823 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout yellow motorcycle max“aria-describedby =”gallery-23-2348825 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout黄色摩托车pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-23-2348826 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout yellow motorcycle“aria-describedby =”gallery-23-2348827 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout yellow motorcycle xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-23-2348828 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout黄色摩托车三星加“aria-describedby =”gallery-23-2348829

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

到下一个。让我先说我不知道​​iPhone照片发生了什么。我只是注意到它以后有多糟糕,但这就是这个测试的重点 – 把这些拍照手机放到真实世界的测试中,就像你体验它们一样(没有重拍)当然,iPhone XS Max照片最后是因为它太暗而且没有颜色。华为的照片略微过度曝光,缺乏对比度;天空静音。这同样适用于OnePlus 7 Pro照片。

Pixel 3a XL图像是自动对焦有多重要的一个很好的例子 – 如果你放大近视,你会看到相机聚焦在后面的汽车牌照而不是摩托车,这不是很锋利。右边的建筑也有点暗淡。

它归结为诺基亚9和Galaxy S10 Plus。与第一张图片类似,我发现诺基亚的照片在技术上更优越;摩托车非常锋利,右边的建筑物以及左边的脚手架光线充足。然而,交易所到Galaxy S10 Plus照片,并且颜色流行。我想突出自行车上的黄色,而Galaxy S10 Plus钉在它上面。它引人注目,视觉上很有趣,它也能保持周围环境的曝光。你们中的一些人可能不喜欢过度饱和的图像,这很好。我仍然认为这是所有这些中最可分享的。

获奖者:Galaxy S10 Plus



galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout theatre“aria-describedby =”gallery-24-2348832 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the theatre max“aria-describedby =”gallery-24-2348833 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout theatre pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-24-2348834 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout theatre“aria-describedby =”gallery-24-2348835 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the theatre xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-24-2348836 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout theatre samsung plus“aria-describedby =”gallery-24-2348837

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus


我喜欢Pixel 3a XL照片的深色外观,它是少数几款可以轻松看到AMC标志下的电影标题的照片。但是,它有点过于曝光不足。胜利归功于华为P30 Pro和诺基亚9 PureView。后者的图像有点扁平,缺乏对比度和清晰度。华为的照片有很多,尽管它也有微红色调。我会在这里分享华为P30 Pro的照片 – 它也能最好地保持暴露在右侧的多云天空。

获奖者:华为P30 Pro


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout汉堡时代Square“aria-describedby =”gallery-25-2348839 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout汉堡时代Square最大“aria-describedby =”gallery-25-2348840 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout汉堡时代Squarepureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-25-2348841 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout汉堡时代Square“aria-describedby =”gallery-25-2348842 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shotout汉堡时代Squarexl“aria-describedby =”gallery-25-2348843 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout汉堡时代Square三星加“aria-describedby =”gallery-25-2348844

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

这是我在整个比较中最喜欢的场景。我喜欢所有霓虹灯的东西,这就是吸引我在时代Square捕获这个汉堡包的原因。我希望霓虹灯“Burgers”标志清晰,充满对比,有两部手机可以满足我的需求:诺基亚9 PureView和Google Pixel 3a XL。

华为照片上的Burgers标志是奇怪的波浪形,但其余的图像看起来很棒。 iPhone XS Max近在咫尺,但它没有锚定白平衡; OnePlus 7 Pro的图像完全平坦且静音。我会说Galaxy S10 Plus的照片排在第三位,因为它的表现非常出色,但我更喜欢一点对比度。 Pixel 3a XL是我的目标:它更暗,更适合心情,营造出一种美妙的氛围。有很好的白平衡,霓虹灯标志看起来最好,有完美的红色阴影,而且它的针锋利。诺基亚9也表现不错,但由于白色平衡不足,因为菜单上有太多黄色,曝光过度。

获奖者:Pixel 3a XL


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the library“aria-describedby =”gallery-26-2348846 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the library max“aria-describedby =”gallery-26-2348847 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the library pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-26-2348848 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the library“aria-describedby =”gallery-26-2348850 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the library xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-26-2348851 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout the library samsung plus“aria-describedby =”gallery-26-2348852

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

天黑了,我就在纽约公共图书馆前面。蝙蝠,我不是几个手机为建筑产生的黄色调的粉丝;这包括iPhone XS Max,Galaxy S10 Plus和OnePlus 7 Pro。照片也不错,但建筑不是那种颜色,我是冷色调的粉丝。这就是为什么我倾向于其他三个,但诺基亚9的照片有点太平。

所以它归结为P30 Pro和Pixel 3a XL。您需要确保在良好的显示器或显示器上查看这两张照片,因为我发现Pixel照片在较低质量的显示器上看起来更暗。不过,这是胜利者。主要是因为华为的照片在白平衡方面变得过于激进,而且建筑物失去了一点性格。 Pixel 3a照片保留了它,是一个更加锐利的,它可以很好地保持透过玻璃窗看到的室内灯的黄色。

获奖者:Pixel 3a XL


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout plant at night“aria-describedby =”gallery-27-2348857 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout plant at night max“aria-describedby =”gallery-27-2348859 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout plant at night pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-27-2348860 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout plant at night“aria-describedby =”gallery-27-2348861 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout plant at night xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-27-2348862 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout plant at night samsung plus“aria-describedby =”gallery-27-2348863

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

公共图书馆附近是布莱恩特公园,这里有树木和植物。在黑暗中,这对大多数手机来说都很棘手,但是全面的结果令人钦佩。只有iPhone的照片令人失望;它不锋利而且太暗。诺基亚9是下一个,但它提供了一个强大,锐利的照片 – 图像太暗是一种耻辱。然而,这是编辑RAW图像有助于提高亮度的地方。

OnePlus Pro的照片看起来一目了然,但放大并且它的超级颗粒状和看起来过于锐利。 Pixel 3a XL,Galaxy S10 Plus和P30 Pro在这里产生最佳效果。 Pixel的形象对我的品味来说太温暖了,华为的照片是最精彩的。但胜利归功于Galaxy S10 Plus,因为它可以很好地曝光整个图像,并添加了大量逼真的色彩,使照片成为您想要分享的东西。

获奖者:Galaxy S10 Plus


当我们陷入黑暗时,几部手机都有专门的夜间模式,旨在产生更好的低光照片。这些相机在不同曝光下拍摄多张图像并将它们拼接在一起以创建一张曝光良好的照片,这通常意味着您需要静止几秒钟才能获得这些结果。 Pixel 3a具有夜视功能,华为P30 Pro具有夜间模式,OnePlus 7 Pro具有夜视功能。 OnePlus表示,Nightscape是专为建筑物和天际线设计的,并不适用于超低光照条件,但是,我们遇到的问题始终如您所见。


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night mode“aria-describedby =”gallery-28-2348866 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout nightscape“aria-describedby =”gallery-28-2348868 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night sight xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-28-2348867

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 3. Pixel 3a XL

我们正在重新审视布莱恩特公园工厂的相同照片,以便您可以将其与上一部分的照片进行比较。 OnePlus 7 Pro有问题,轻描淡写。它并不意味着在这种情况下工作,而且显然无法使用。这缩小到华为和谷歌的手机,对我来说这个选择很容易。是的,华为P30 Pro照片总体上更亮,但它看起来也经过高度处理和过度锐化。然而,Pixel 3a虽然看起来很自然,但也能起到同样的作用。这是胜利者。

获奖者:Pixel 3a XL


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night mode comparison“aria-describedby =”gallery-29-2348871 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night mode comparison max“aria-describedby =”gallery-29-2348872 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night mode comparison pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-29-2348873 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night mode comparison“aria-describedby =”gallery-29-2348874 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night mode comparison xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-29-2348875 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night mode comparison samsung plus“aria-describedby =”gallery-29-2348877

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

这些夜间模式与没有专用夜间模式的手机相比如何?在我们看之前,我没有使用Nightcape图像用于OnePlus 7 Pro,因为它出现了类似的模糊。我在更新后对它进行了测试,Nightscape现在似乎实际上工作得更好了。您在此处看到的OnePlus 7 Pro照片只是普通模式,但Pixel 3a使用夜视,而华为P30 Pro使用夜间模式。

虽然颜色似乎受到的影响最大,但结果仍然是全面的。诺基亚9也过度曝光帝国大厦,iPhone照片有点模糊。华为的夜间模式肯定比其他模式更明亮,但颜色是静音的,导致图像模糊。 Galaxy S10 Plus的照片缺乏清晰度,并没有那么详细,这使最终的两个竞争者成为带夜视的Pixel 3a XL和OnePlus 7 Pro上的标准相机。

获胜者,冠军? OnePlus 7 Pro。是的,周围有更多的谷物,但它并不像Pixel照片那样不自然地饱和,树木看起来非常华丽和锐利。这是我要分享的那个。

获奖者:OnePlus 7 Pro



galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout三文鱼沙拉“aria-describedby =”gallery-30-2348878 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout三文鱼沙拉max“aria-describedby =”gallery-30-2348879 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout三文鱼沙拉pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-30-2348880 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout三文鱼沙拉“aria-describedby =”gallery-30-2348881 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout三文鱼沙拉xl“aria-describedby =”gallery-30-2348882 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout三文鱼沙拉三星加“aria-describedby =”gallery-30-2348883

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

让我们来看看食物谁不喜欢拍摄你即将食用的食物?首先是来自餐馆的三文鱼沙拉,我首先要说的是我最喜欢Pixel 3a XL的照片。它具有适量的颜色,使沙拉流行,而且它非常锋利。如果你看盘子,它也有很好的白平衡。华为P30 Pro也做得很好,但照片的整体色调偏红。有关OnePlus 7 Pro图像的详细信息看起来很柔和,iPhone XS Max的白平衡很差,而且Galaxy S10 Plus也存在同样的问题。诺基亚9的图像很清晰,但颜色很柔和,结果看起来很不好看。

获奖者:Pixel 3a XL


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout ramen indoor“aria-describedby =”gallery-31-2348885 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout ramen indoor max“aria-describedby =”gallery-31-2348886 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout ramen in indoor pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-31-2348887 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout ramen indoor“aria-describedby =”gallery-31-2348888 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout ramen indoor xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-31-2348889 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout ramen indoor samsung plus“aria-describedby =”gallery-31-2348892

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

与这张拉面菜相似的故事。拿几乎我在上一个例子中所说的一切,然后在这里应用它。 Pixel 3a XL照片因其细节,白平衡和开胃色而脱颖而出。其余的照片仍然很棒,但3a有优势。

获奖者:Pixel 3a XL




galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout girl outdoors“aria-describedby =”gallery-32-2348897 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout girl outdoors max“aria-describedby =”gallery-32-2348898 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout girl outdoors pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-32-2348899 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout girl outdoors“aria-describedby =”gallery-32-2348901 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout girl outdoors xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-32-2348902 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout girl outdoors samsung plus“aria-describedby =”gallery-32-2348903

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

这是一个艰难的,因为这些照片大多非常好。我最喜欢的是Pixel 3a XL,iPhone XS Max和Galaxy S10 Plus。我以S10 Plus作为获胜者登陆 – 它更好地曝光并且看起来令人惊叹。有很多细节,主题周围的模糊精度很好,模糊本身看起来很漂亮,颜色很强。这是一张很棒的照片。

获奖者:Galaxy S10 Plus


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout深夜姿势“aria-describedby =”gallery-33-2348904 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout深夜姿势最大“aria-describedby =”gallery-33-2348905 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout深夜姿势pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-33-2348906 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout深夜姿势“aria-describedby =”gallery-33-2348907 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout深夜姿势xl“aria-describedby =”gallery-33-2348908 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout深夜姿势三星加“aria-describedby =”gallery-33-2348909

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

对于许多依赖辅助摄像头获取深度信息的智能手机,人像模式在低光照条件下会失败。这里的OnePlus照片是最弱的,带有粗制滥造的细节。然而,我惊奇地爱上了诺基亚9的照片;它看起来很自然,并设法在深度上做一个出色的工作 – 顶部灯泡的散景看起来很棒 – 它没有像其他照片那样奇怪的过度饱和的颜色。

Galaxy S10 Plus排在第二位,但即使散景很华丽,我也不喜欢抽出的颜色。 iPhone和Pixel的照片看起来很黯淡,华为的图像也是如此,色彩柔和。

获奖者:诺基亚9 PureView


这些相机中的大多数都配有远摄镜头,可实现光学变焦。它比数码变焦更好,它可以裁剪图像。一些具有数码变焦功能的手机 – 如Pixel 3a–使用人工智能来增强图像,但它只能走得那么远。光学变焦总是更好,但是在低光照条件下相机可能并不总是使用这种镜头。


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the vessel“aria-describedby =”gallery-34-2348912 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the vessel“aria-describedby =”gallery-34-2348913 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the vessel pureview“aria-describedby =”gallery-34-2348914 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the vessel“aria-describedby =”gallery-34-2348915 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the vessel xl“a​​ria-describedby =”gallery-34-2348916 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the vessel samsung plus“aria-describedby =”gallery-34-2348917

  • 1.华为P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3.诺基亚9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6.三星Galaxy S10 Plus

让我们从容器上的所有方式开始放大。这里有一个明显的赢家,它是华为P30 Pro的10倍混合变焦。 P30 Pro可以通过50倍变焦进一步放大,但结果很差。在10倍时,你可以得到一些像这里的优秀镜头。这里的大多数其他照片都不起眼,尽管OnePlus 7 Pro值得大声呐喊。

获奖者:华为P30 Pro


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a华为p30相机枪战标准放大帝国大厦“aria-describedby =”gallery-35-2348919 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a华为p30相机枪战标准放大帝国大厦“aria-describedby =”gallery-35-2348920 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a华为p30相机枪战标准放大帝国大厦“aria-describedby =”gallery-35-2348921 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a华为p30相机枪战标准放大帝国大厦“aria-describedby =”gallery-35-2348922 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout standard zoom on the empire state building " aria-describedby="gallery-35-2348923 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout standard zoom on the empire state building " aria-describedby="gallery-35-2348924

  • 1. Huawei P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3. Nokia 9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6. Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

Here, we’re using the base optical zoom on phones that have them, and manually zooming in digitally with phones that don’t. The iPhone XS Max, with its 2x optical zoom, holds its own, but the Empire State Building (ESB) is not entirely in focus, or sharp. The Huawei P30 Pro takes things in a little closer with its 5x optical zoom, with a strong result, but it fades everything around the ESB. The OnePlus 7 Pro’s 3x optical zoom delivers a solid photo that’s marred with a lot of noise.

The Galaxy S10 Plus’ 2x optical zoom overexposes the ESB, though the rest of the photo looks good. The Nokia 9 has no optical zoom and has a lot of noise, but it’s a decent shot. The Pixel 3a XL is the surprising winner here, as it does a great job of showing off the ESB without terribly underexposing anything. It’s also surprisingly sharp, despite not having an optical zoom.

If I adjusted where I stood to make the Huawei photo similar to the rest, I think the camera would have come out on top here. But I was trying to make sure I stood in the same spot for all these photos.

Winner: Pixel 3a XL

Max Zoom on the Empire State Building

galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the empire state building" aria-describedby="gallery-36-2348928 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the empire state building" aria-describedby="gallery-36-2348929 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the empire state building purev" aria-describedby="gallery-36-2348930 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the empire state building" aria-describedby="gallery-36-2348931 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the empire state building xl" aria-describedby="gallery-36-2348932 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout max zoom on the empire state building samsu" aria-describedby="gallery-36-2348933

  • 1. Huawei P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3. Nokia 9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6. Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

These phones can go even further with digital or hybrid zoom. And it’s why the Huawei P30 Pro’s 10x hybrid zoom takes the cake again. It’s easily the sharpest image, with clean lines and good colors. The detail is incredible.

Winner: Huawei P30 Pro


Sunny Selfie

galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout sunny selfie" aria-describedby="gallery-37-2348934 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout sunny selfie max" aria-describedby="gallery-37-2348935 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout sunny selfie pureview" aria-describedby="gallery-37-2348937 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout sunny selfie" aria-describedby="gallery-37-2348938 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout sunny selfie xl" aria-describedby="gallery-37-2348939 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout sunny selfie samsung plus" aria-describedby="gallery-37-2348940

  • 1. Huawei P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3. Nokia 9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6. Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

Now, let’s turn our attention to the front-facing cameras. All these photos are great, though the Nokia 9 PureView was giving me trouble and kept refusing to take a photo. A restart didn’t quite fix it, but tapping enough times finally made it snap a photo, though a slightly blurry one. I thought the OnePlus 7 Pro, on the other hand, lacked detail (this photo was taken after the latest June update).

The rest are quite similar, so I decided to settle it based on skin tone and the color of my jacket. The iPhone and the Pixel got my jacket color accurate, with the Huawei and Samsung photos offering slightly brighter-looking jackets. My skin tone in the Samsung photo is a little too reddish, and while I didn’t have many qualms about the Huawei and Pixel photos regarding my skin color, I thought the iPhone captured it best. It gets the win, but it was a tough call.

Winner: iPhone XS Max

Portrait Mode Selfie

galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout portrait mode selfie" aria-describedby="gallery-38-2348941 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout portrait mode selfie max" aria-describedby="gallery-38-2348942 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout portrait mode selfie pureview" aria-describedby="gallery-38-2348943 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout portrait mode selfie" aria-describedby="gallery-38-2348945 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout portrait mode selfie xl" aria-describedby="gallery-38-2348946 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout portrait mode selfie samsung plus" aria-describedby="gallery-38-2348947

  • 1. Huawei P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3. Nokia 9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6. Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

Most phones feature a portrait mode that works with the front-facing camera as well. Let’s get the poor shots out of the way: The Huawei photo failed to add a blurred background after multiple attempts, so while it’s a good photo, it doesn’t quite pass the test here. The Nokia 9’s selfie camera has problems with high-contrast scenarios, so it greatly overexposes the image.

The rest look great, but it’s the iPhone XS Max that stands out when you look at the color of the background. The sky is a beautiful blue, and the trees are a stronger green. The background in all the other photos looks overexposed and washed out.

Winner: iPhone XS Max

Low-light Selfie

galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout low light selfie" aria-describedby="gallery-39-2348952 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout low light selfie max" aria-describedby="gallery-39-2348953 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout low light selfie pureview" aria-describedby="gallery-39-2348954 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout low light selfie" aria-describedby="gallery-39-2348955 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout low light selfie xl" aria-describedby="gallery-39-2348956 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout low light selfie samsung plus" aria-describedby="gallery-39-2348957

  • 1. Huawei P30 Pro
  • 2. iPhone XS Max
  • 3. Nokia 9 PureView
  • 4. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 5. Pixel 3a XL
  • 6. Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

There’s low light, and then there’s even lower light. I wanted to see how well these cameras would fare in close to pitch blackness. There was a TV behind me that illuminates the side of my face slightly. The Huawei P30 Pro, Nokia 9, and OnePlus 7 Pro all produced an impressive photo, even if all the images here are quite dark. The Galaxy S10 Plus offers the brightest image, but the quality is worse off.

It comes down between the Nokia 9 PureView and the OnePlus 7 Pro. I like the stronger detail the Nokia photo shows, but the OnePlus image retains a lot of color, despite smoothing out all the details. I’d share the Nokia photo, but the OnePlus 7 Pro is an excellent alternative.

Winner: Nokia 9 PureView

That being said, the Pixel 3a XL has a trick up its sleeve: Night Sight works on the selfie camera. It’s one of the few phones where a dedicated night mode exists for the selfie camera. Take a look at the result, and it blows away the competition. The image isn’t the sharpest, but it’s leaps and bounds more visible and colorful than the rest, and that’s what ultimately counts as it’s the photo we’d all share.

galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night sight selfie xlPixel 3a XL

Insert Night Sight Selfie from Pixel 3a folder

Bonus point: Pixel 3a XL

Special features

Each of these smartphone cameras has a lot more they can do when looked at individually. I wanted to showcase some of that here in this special features section.

Wide-angle shootout

galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout wide angle 1" aria-describedby="gallery-40-2348960 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout wide angle 1" aria-describedby="gallery-40-2348961 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout wide angle 1 samsung plus" aria-describedby="gallery-40-2348962

  • 1. Huawei P30 Pro
  • 2. OnePlus 7 Pro
  • 3. Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

Three of these phones have a wide-angle camera that deserves a mention: The Huawei P30 Pro, Galaxy S10 Plus, and OnePlus 7 Pro. The wide-angle lens adds another layer of versatility, enabling you to be more creative with your photography. In this wide-angle shot of the Vessel, you can see how much more you can see in the shot when comparing it to the first set of photos featured in this comparison. Who’s the winner? It’s easy: The Galaxy S10 Plus.

The OnePlus 7 Pro’s photo lacks contrast, and the P30 Pro’s image adds that reddish hue again. The colors on the Galaxy S10 Plus photo pop out and are far more pleasing to look at, and the Vessel itself stands out yet again.

Winner: Galaxy S10 Plus


galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout portrait mode color pop samsung plus" aria-describedby="gallery-41-2348972 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout 50x zoom" aria-describedby="gallery-41-2348964 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout monochrome 2 pureview" aria-describedby="gallery-41-2348969

  • 1. Samsung Galaxy S10 – Color Point Live Focus
  • 2. Huawei P30 Pro – 50x zoom
  • 3. Nokia 9 PureView – Monochrome

Here are a collection of other photos from some of these phones that I wanted to include to show off select features. First is the Color Point Live Focus mode on the Galaxy S10 Plus, which makes the background black and white. An example of 50x zoom from the P30 Pro is also included, as well as an image produced using the dedicated Monochrome mode on the Nokia 9. There are also several edited RAW images where colors have been boosted and a depth effect added.

上一页下一页1/5 galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout edited raw  1 pureview" class="m-carousel--image dt-lazy-no" src="https://icdn9.digitaltrends.com/image/edited-raw-1-nokia-9-pureview-640x640.jpg" srcset=" Nokia 9 PureView galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout edited raw pureview" class="m-carousel--image dt-lazy-no" src="https://icdn1.digitaltrends.com/image/edited-raw-nokia-9-pureview-640x640.jpg" srcset=" Nokia 9 PureView galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout img 20190525 122710 pureview" class="m-carousel--image dt-lazy-no" src="https://icdn2.digitaltrends.com/image/img_20190525_122710-nokia-9-pureview-640x640.jpg" srcset=" Nokia 9 PureView galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout monochrome 2 raw pureview" class="m-carousel--image dt-lazy-no" src="https://icdn3.digitaltrends.com/image/monochrome-2-raw-nokia-9-pureview-640x640.jpg" srcset=" Nokia 9 PureView galaxy s10 vs iphone xs nokia 9 oneplus 7 pro pixel 3a huawei p30 camera shootout night 1 edited bokeh pureview" class="m-carousel--image dt-lazy-no" src="https://icdn4.digitaltrends.com/image/night-1-edited-bokeh-nokia-9-pureview-640x640.jpg" srcset=" Nokia 9 PureView Conclusion

Finally, we’re at the close. Who’s the winner? The tally ends with six wins for the Pixel 3a XL, with the Galaxy S10 Plus coming in second with five wins and the Huawei P30 Pro nabbing third place with three wins. The iPhone XS Max and the Nokia 9 PureView are tied for fourth place with two wins, and the OnePlus 7 Pro sits at the bottom with just one win. I do think the OnePlus 7 Pro has a chance to snag another win or two with the latest update, but I don’t think it would have been able to crack the top three on this list.

What’s most impressive is that the winning phone is also the cheapest at just $480 (it’s even less if you buy the smaller Pixel 3a, which has the same camera). It goes to show that it’s not just about the hardware embedded in the phone, but the software optimization and artificial intelligence that go along with it. Remember, your winning photos may be different from mine, so your winner may be different. There’s still no denying, however, that all these phones can produce stunning photos, and you’ll be happy if any of them are in your pocket as your camera sidekick.

资讯来源:由0x资讯编译自DIGITALTRENDS,原文:https://www.digitaltrends.com/photography/galaxy-s10-vs-iphone-xs-nokia-9-oneplus-7-pro-pixel-3a-huawei-p30-pro-camera-shootout/,版权归作者Julian Chokkattu所有,未经许可,不得转载