




我们认为目前的区块链游戏产业仍处于起步阶段,仍然非常年轻和脆弱,主要体现在(1)竞争不足; (2)游戏用户减少; (3)资本投入减少; (4)缺乏安全性等方面。在过去的一年里,虽然行业没有经历爆炸式增长,但整体趋势正在改善,数据的各个方面都保持了良好的增长趋势。传统游戏制造商也试图为区块链添加水。为了使区块链游戏能够更快更好地接纳大众用户,行业需要在降低用户门槛,改善用户体验和改善底层基础架构方面取得突破和进步。

我们对区块链游戏产业链上游和下游的51个典型项目进行了深入研究。我们认为区块链游戏产业链已经形成,包括五个主要部分:1。基础设施和开发工具。这是区块链游戏生态学。建立的基础是目前最具竞争力的业务,没有任何项目具有绝对优势; 2,区块链游戏分销平台,社区,是游戏业务的灵魂,目前主要包括两种模式:平台和渠道整合;区块链游戏,游戏玩法开始慢慢丰富,主要包括加密货币收藏,博彩,角色扮演,MMO和其他吸引传统游戏的游戏; 4,目前交易NFT资产的游戏资产交易市场将成为盈利模式中最清晰的业务之一; 5.外围工具和服务,包括Dapp门户,钱包,浏览器和Dapp信息集成通道。

在过去的一年里,虽然区块链游戏已经发展,但它仍然存在突出的问题,而且发展之路令人困惑。但从长远来看,区块链技术在游戏产业中的应用将带来前所未有的突破和变化,打破现有的缺陷和局限。我们认为:1。区块链游戏的社区运作将成为主流; 2.盈利模式将更加多样化;区块链技术将使“头号球员”的游戏世界成为现实; 4.“爆炸”游戏将推动整个行业的发展;完美的行业生态将成为区块链游戏热潮前夕的重要标志。





手机游戏(智能手机和平板电脑)目前是游戏行业中最大的部分(如上图所示),规模为670亿美元,占近50%。 2018年,手机游戏同比增长17.5%,这仍然是整个游戏产业增长的动力。但是,预计未来增长率将进一步放缓。按手机游戏排名的市场份额,终端游戏和主机游戏排名分别占25%和19%,但在股票游戏阶段,增长率基本停滞不前。最后,VR,街机和掌上游戏机将剩下的市场分开。 VR将随着成本的降低和新技术的赐福而普及,并有望在未来迅速发展。街机和掌上游戏机是上一代的产品,市场份额将进一步受到挤压。


传统游戏市场的悲观预期也反映在资本市场上。世界排名前30位的上市公司的总市值在达到近1万亿美元的峰值后急剧下跌。它在几个月内下跌了超过市场价值的30%,反映了投资者预期的变化。原因多种多样,不仅是因为中国游戏政策的收紧,还有世界各地的监管机构,包括反瘾限制和对游戏内购买的限制。这直接导致游戏公司整体性能下滑,Nintendo Switch的销售情况并不如预期,EA,暴雪等大厂商的表现并不乐观。






区块链允许玩家真正拥有游戏资产,弥合虚拟和现实之间的差距。在传统游戏中,包括游戏设备,皮肤,角色等虚拟资产的所有权实际上不属于用户,但属于游戏制造商,并且用户仅具有使用权。区块链游戏不仅仅是游戏代币。每个虚拟资产都可以生成唯一的非伪造令牌(NFT)。其中一种广泛使用的标准是基于以太坊。 ERC-721,资产所有权属于玩家,并成为“稀缺”,“实用性”和“观看”的集合,极大地提高了游戏中虚拟资产的价值,并开辟了真正的数字馆藏。这也将导致一个专业的,可直接交易的游戏资产交易平台,游戏资产交易的规模有望大大超过目前的虚拟商品交易平台,如Steam社区市场,5173.com。



二,2018 – 2019年的试验和突破




区块链游戏产业链现在处于起步阶段,可分为:1。基础设施和开发工具; 2.区块链游戏分发平台,社区; 3.区块链游戏; 4.跨游戏虚拟资产交易市场5,外围工具和服务。但是,目前的产业链并不完善,各环节的盈利模式尚不明确,没有盈利效应,总公司尚未形成,各环节的竞争仍然不足。目前,区块链游戏产业链中各环节的相互作用不是很接近,形成了个别战争的局面。同时,在没有游戏发行等关键环节的情况下,整个行业还没有形成协同作用来促进其发展。相比之下,传统的游戏产业链具有明确的分工,并且一直被主要参与者所占据。截至2016年底,除中国外,还有3,000名开发商,分销商和分销商,但其中90%因竞争而死亡。在中国,这个数字是20,000,但目前80%的收入已经被腾讯和网易占据。







由于游戏中的巨额资金,它通常是黑客的目标。 EOS安全事件频繁发生,包括FFGame,DEOSBET,EOS Happy Slot,FairDice,EOSDice以及最具破坏性的EOSBet。以太坊容易拥挤的特征也成为追逐利益的手段。赢得奖金的最后一个Pon3D游戏的赢家是创造一个垃圾智能合约,这导致以太坊的汽油费大幅上涨,这导致了游戏的胜利和巨额奖金。





总的来说,2019年区块链游戏的数量,流量和数量都在增长。在2019年上半年,新的Dapps数量为1,114,比2018年增加了60%以上。活跃的Dapps数量为1887,包括游戏类别在内的游戏占70%以上。 Dapp的总交易量达到111亿美元,其中包括85亿美元的游戏,包括游戏,而且到2018年Dapp的水流量仅为50亿美元。在2019年上半年,活跃的Dapp用户数量为170万,增加从图6中可以看出,2019年1月是达普交易量最高的时期,从2月到6月基本保持稳定状态。




此外,还有许多区块链游戏开发者试图在其他方向玩游戏。例如,由“Gods Unchained”代表的纸牌游戏,由“Cloud Fighting Dragon”代表的战略游戏,由“My 加密货币Heroes”代表的RPG游戏,由“超级玩家”代表的MMO游戏等。虽然有屏幕与可操作性和传统游戏之间存在一定差距,整个区块链游戏的类别逐渐丰富,游戏内容将变得越来越重要。


在区块链游戏开发的早期阶段,只有以太坊的公共链支持Dapp。之后,EOS和波场强劲上涨。 Ontology,IOST,Dfinity和Zilliqa等公共区块链也在Dapp应用上发挥作用,特别是在游戏中。根据DappReview统计,以太坊,Wavefield和EOS三大公共连锁店占据了90%以上的市场份额,逐渐拉开与其他公共连锁店的差距。

虽然以太坊仍然在Dapps的数量上有明显的优势,但是波场和EOS已经超过了用户和交易流的数量。目前,以太坊中的Defi式金融Dapp占据了60%的水资源,超过了Dapp的游戏,成为以太坊的新动力点。 Wavefield和EOS迅速获得了大量用户和博彩游戏的交易。波场和EOS位于应用级公共链。 TPS很高,交易可以在3-5秒内确认,游戏用户体验更好。



区块链游戏基本上通过游戏逻辑来识别,以解决游戏的公平性,虚拟资产的流通以及传球的经济激励。区块链技术的普及吸引了越来越多的国内外游戏厂商进入,特别是在加密货币 Kitties推出后,引起了很多关注。各种区块链游戏都在线上,游戏玩法不断创新。目前,传统游戏制造商都有区块链游戏,但每个制造商对游戏中的区块链都有不同的定位。它可以分为内容链的一小部分“链无感”游戏,整体基于区块链技术和经济的“链式极端”游戏和它们之间的博弈,差异主要是由于差异在区块链的认知和促进策略。

国内互联网巨头腾讯和网易已经提出了早期的区块链,并提前引入了区块链游戏。 2018年4月23日,腾讯游戏创新工作室和腾讯区块链联合发布了腾讯第一款区块链游戏“To Catch the Demon”,该游戏于2018年推出。2019年,它正式为所有玩家进行了测试。该游戏基于LBS(基于位置的服务),AR(增强现实),区块链和社交网络元素,以及以“追赶”作为核心游戏玩法的社交开发游戏。游戏的核心游戏玩法是AR探索,区块链只是游戏中的游戏玩法,游戏中的“独家猫”系统(玩家可以在达到22级后解锁系统)。区块链元素主要体现在“特殊猫”系统的三个方面:首先,0代猫的总数是常数(640,000),从未添加,区块链确保其总数是恒定的,不能复制。在游戏的早期阶段,内部测试玩家很快将稀有的猫与游戏的熟悉程度相匹配。一只猫的价格涨到了1000多元。但是,目前市场上的大部分交易只有几元甚至几毛。 。其次,非零猫也可以伤口。根据基因的组合,非代的猫可以达到数千亿。如果玩家想要将他们的非世代猫配对出售或在商场出售,他们需要使用道具“日笔”来记录区块链上的猫。目前链上有411万只猫,已经产生了约500万只区块链交易。第三,每只猫都可以询问过去和现在。在游戏中,区块链水信息用于记录猫的生命。每只猫都可以找到它的出生信息,交易信息和繁殖信息。




网易还经常在区块链应用和游戏中运作。在2018年初,区块链宠物项目“网易幸运猫”去世后,它迅速推出了基于区块链的价值分享平台“网易星球”。首先,居民通过参与行星活动任务获得黑钻,可获得黑钻。地球上的消费和救赎。 Black Diamond活动不仅包括游戏,还包括浏览信息,邀请朋友,登录应用程序等。游戏主要由页面游戏和小游戏组成,包括各种角色扮演,策略等。玩家可以通过玩游戏获得积分,游戏本身与区块链无关。 “网易星球”实际上是一个使用传递经济模型的交通平台。

2018年9月5日,网易的最终游戏“反向水冷”宣布引入区块链技术。在游戏场景中,玩家可以通过“挖矿”获得游戏资产“伏羲通宝”,成为第一个区块链技术应用。大客户端游戏。 9月7日,“逆水冷”正式启动“伏羲通宝”功能。伏羲铜包总量为1.63亿件,其中挖矿挖矿出7300万件,固定产量为每天5万件。产量每两年减少50%,开发团队拥有9000万件。玩家有资格进行挖矿,达到3级并完成前任。 Fuxi Tongbao will not support virtual currency exchanges for legal currency transactions, but in the future it will be able to circulate in other games of NetEase, and realize the unification of all server prices through the relatively constant price of “Fuxi Tongbao”. The application of "Fuxi Tongbao" is conducive to prevent game studios and big businessmen from pushing up prices, speculating in the game currency, ensuring the game experience, preventing player loss, and protecting the security of players' game assets. It is also a breakthrough and useful attempt. Although “Fuxi Tongbao” has launched a blockchain browser, its function is simple and its usability is not strong. The assets of ordinary users are not reflected in the chain. This also reflects that ordinary players still lack basic information on asset chaining. The awareness and attention need further enlightenment education.

In addition, 360, Baidu, and Xiaomi are all online pet-based games based on blockchain. Some other game companies in China have also announced plans to develop blockchain games, such as Sanqi Mutual Entertainment, Langang Interactive, Yingying Network, and Tenjin Entertainment. In view of the restrictions of policies and regulations, the blockchain games developed by traditional manufacturers are still running on their own private chains or alliance chains. The game trading mechanism and design architecture are still controlled by the manufacturers. There is no essential difference between them and traditional games. It is not really going. Centralized blockchain game. However, the traditional game giant's own traffic aura is obvious, whether it is aimed at heat, or to promote other products, can play a role in popularizing the blockchain.

Foreign traditional game developers have more diverse actions in the blockchain field, not only in game development, but also in infrastructure construction and cooperation with blockchain companies. In the direction of blockchain games, most of the players are from the United States and Japan, Ubisoft in France and Netmarble in South Korea. US companies are mainly entering the blockchain game field by launching blockchain gaming platforms and working with blockchain project partners. EA launches a self-developed blockchain platform and will seamlessly interface with its various games. The big game company Atalley has chained two mobile games by working with blockchain startup Animoca Brands. "Citadel Night" developer Epic Games and the blockchain game distribution platform The Abyss reached a cooperation agreement to attract more game developers into the blockchain world.

Japan's current blockchain games are also mainly centered on two aspects. One is to use the blockchain as the underlying technical support of the game, and to ensure the transparency and ownership of the game player's assets through blockchain technology. Sony is at

The PS4 has approved a blockchain game, Plague Hunter, which is a turn-based strategy game that uses a game asset-winding model, and most of the rest of the game content is still in the chain. The other is to support the distribution of assets in the in-game chain. Whether the ASOBI released by ASOBIMO MO supports the sale of multiple digital content, or the gold coins issued by EverSystem in Cryptoninja, the issue of tokens is included in an important part of the content, mainly due to the Japanese government's relatively loose blockchain. Policy environment. Different from domestic companies, foreign game companies tend to set up a complete ecosystem for developers by building a low-level blockchain platform. In general, foreign companies pay more attention to the polishing and construction of the underlying infrastructure for blockchain games, unlike Chinese game makers who are more focused on applications.

In addition, the excellent developers of traditional game makers are actively embracing the blockchain. Rudy Koch, who is responsible for the top masterpieces such as "Call of Duty" and "World of Warcraft", established Mythical Game, focusing on the development of blockchain games. With a financing of 16 million US dollars, it plans to launch a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) "Blankos" in the third quarter of this year, supporting PC and Mac versions, targeting mainstream players and currently targeting millions of mainstream gamers. A game trailer was played. I believe that as more and more excellent developers committed to creating quality content enter, we can expect a real explosion of blockchain games.

2.4 Breakthrough: Let blockchain games go to the public

Although the blockchain game data in 2019 is improving and moving towards sustainable development, and we have seen the potential of blockchain games to subvert traditional games, the industry wants to really break out and become a new growth point for the entire game industry. Need to attract more users outside the circle, let blockchain games go to the public. But this is also the most difficult at present, and it is urgent to break through some important bottlenecks.

Lower the entry threshold

区块链 games are currently dominated by cryptocurrency users, who are already familiar with the proprietary concepts of blockchains such as wallets, private keys, and tokens. But for traditional users, these will inevitably become a small entry barrier, limiting the migration of traditional game world users to blockchain games. For example, games based on Ethereum mostly require players to install Metamask wallets and pay for the consumption of Ethereum token ETH as a smart contract. MetaMask only supports Chrome browser and another niche browser. Ethereum gas consumption cost can not be ignored, this registration and payment operation will filter out a batch of users. Even with EOS without Gas, "free" mode, it is actually necessary to purchase EOS first, and mortgage a certain amount of EOS to successfully register an account, and the bandwidth, CPU and Ram resources in the network need to pledge EOS. This is undoubtedly a huge threshold for the "Little White" users.

In addition, unlike the traditional Internet-centric “account-password” model, the assets in the blockchain consist of a “public-private key” system. Only the user owns and controls the private key. Once the private key is lost, it cannot be Get back. This is in stark contrast to the way traditional Internet users rely on centralized custodians to keep passwords. Users need to learn and recognize. With the increase of the public chain, the user needs to manage more and more private keys, which also increases the threshold and difficulty for users to participate in different public chain platforms Dapp.

With the accumulation of blockchain game developer experience, they realized that the use of thresholds actually hindered the user's entry, so they all proposed optimization solutions. For example, the chain-insensitive game like Tencent's "Catch the Demon Together" provides some inspiration. This game is aimed at the majority of traditional mobile phone game users. Although using the blockchain as a big selling point, it can't be a hindrance to the player's play. First of all, the blockchain element is well integrated into the gameplay. The token is given the image of the pet cat. The user does not need to manage the private key. The gas consumption becomes the refilling item “day pen”. The function is to record the pet cat to the zone. On the blockchain, this turns the chain transfer into a familiar item refill mode, and the player can choose whether to use the blockchain from forced to active selection.

In addition, the native blockchain game can also learn from this mode, use WeChat or mobile phone number or email to register the game account, and then register the wallet address when you need to replenish the assets, giving the player more opportunities to experience the game, instead of When I came up, I was rejected by a series of thresholds. At present, many non-gaming games have begun to adopt this centralized account registration method, such as Gods Unchained support for mailbox registration, Yundoulong support mobile phone number registration, Xingqiu support WeChat and mobile phone number registration, this registration method is more convenient to promote It can effectively convert traditional game users, and the conversion rate from registered users to genuine currency users is between 20% and 30%.

At present, the most popular gambling game Tronbet wallet registered users is only a thousand levels. If a blockchain game can reach more users, according to such conversion rate, the effect of diversion is also very impressive.

Not only does the user have a threshold for use, but for traditional game developers, it takes a certain amount of time and effort to familiarize and master the contents of wallet development, smart contracts, and certificate design. At the same time, the choice of blockchain game development also means great Opportunity costs and silent costs. In addition, due to the imperfect construction of the ecosystem and the underlying platform, blockchain game developers also need to work harder when developing a new game. Unlike traditional game developers, most of them are directly developed on the game engine. Need to be responsible for content design. 开发工程师s of blockchain games need rich support for middleware such as SDKs and engines to help them lower development thresholds and improve development efficiency.

Improve the gaming experience

The pass-through economy allows the blockchain to have its own financial attributes, making most of the current game speculations strong, but if it only stays at the speculative level, it is obviously contrary to the essence of the game. In addition to fun, the game experience also includes the enjoyment of the sensory level (such as the immersion of the picture, the impact of the sound effect) and the control of the game rhythm. At present, the blockchain game is not only very primitive in terms of content design and image quality, but also has a more original experience in other senses, and there is much room for improvement and improvement.

The core of the game's playability is the numerical planning of the game, which is its economic system design. An excellent game can increase the user's stickiness through numerical design, extend the online duration, constantly stimulate the player's sense of accomplishment and desire, and control the balance of the game to adjust the player experience in the ecosystem. The design of the pass-through economy in the blockchain is very different from the numerical plan of the traditional game: the traditional game economy system is a closed centralized system, while the blockchain pass-through economy is an open, first-level and second-level Decentralized system of market linkage. Therefore, how to deeply understand and properly apply the characteristics of the CIS economy is a big challenge for traditional game value planners. In addition, not all games are suitable for introducing the characteristics of the blockchain and the pass-through model. How to choose and choose is an important topic that requires in-depth research and exploration in the industry.

Improve the underlying infrastructure

The migration of the same traditional game between different platforms may result in game fluency and gameplay differences due to device performance differences and engine differences, while the network's low latency or even zero latency is a prerequisite for the smooth running of most multiplayer online games. Infrastructure has always been a crucial part of game iteration and experience, and the development of games is the process of constantly challenging hardware performance.

For blockchain games, the public chain is still very weak as an infrastructure. Just like the early days of mobile games in 2004, mobile phone operating systems have limited performance and slow network speeds. The current public chain is also plagued by low performance and limited data storage. Although most public chains are not designed for games, the prosperity of the public chain ecology requires Dapp drainage like games. This puts requirements on the performance, security, portability, etc. of the public chain. Although the competition in the public chain is fierce and the diversity is increasing, it has not broken through the technical bottleneck in terms of performance, safety and portability. The range of demand for online games for TPS, the minimum online game operation TPS is about 10-50 TPS, the average game 10-100 TPS, and the TPS peak of large popular online games is estimated to be above 10000 tps. "Cryptokitties" is a simple pet-playing game. Compared to heavy MMORPGs, the network and performance requirements are much lower, but it has caused serious congestion in the Ethereum network. This also illustrates from the side that blockchain games should not be designed as a type of high frequency transaction on the chain at this stage. In order to solve the problem of public chain performance, Layer 1 fragmentation and Layer 2 chain expansion are optional directions, including side chain, sub-chain, fragmentation and other technologies, which can make a moderate choice in efficiency and security. The game can record the core information of the core assets, accounts and status, and other non-core logic can be implemented based on Layer2, which will greatly reduce the impact of the performance of the public chain on game playability. At present, layer2 technology is diverse, and many blockchain game developers have begun to use layer2 technologies, such as Mixmarvel, Planet, LoomNetwork and so on.

Third, the industry map

3.1 Infrastructure and developer tools

At present, the “blockchain+game” industry chain has been basically formed, including the following aspects: 1. Infrastructure and developer tools; 2.区块链 game distribution platform and community; 3.区块链 games; Cross-game virtual asset trading market; 5, peripheral tools and services. As the whole industry is still in the early stage, although the various links seem to be complete, they have not formed a synergy, and the development speed is far from the expectations of the practitioners. The lack of a role in this way can connect the entire ecosystem in tandem to achieve a win-win situation. At present, the main players in each sector are as follows:

At present, the performance of the underlying public chain of the general class is not good enough to meet the requirements of the game operation, thus spawning a series of low-level public chains focusing on the game industry, which is used to make up for the high concurrency problem of the general-purpose underlying public chain;区块链 games have certain thresholds for traditional game developers. In order to solve the problem of blockchain game development environment and tools, some toolkit SDK projects have emerged, providing distributed accounts and wallets for traditional game developers. Modular services such as the general props system and block browser.

3.2区块链 game distribution platform, community

The blockchain solves the lack of incentives, trust and intermediate costs in the Internet era, and pushes the community and consensus to the center. But in line with the Internet era, where there are users and where to gather players, there is value. Based on the blockchain-based game distribution platform and community, there are currently two main types of directions:

Self-platform mode

The game announcement in the traditional Internet era relies mainly on the efforts of game manufacturers and publishers. It is carried out through advertising, offline promotion, and anchor KOL. Such models often face problems such as difficulty in evaluation and data fraud. With the help of the blockchain and the traceability of smart contracts, the promotion effect can be clearly grasped. The introduction of the代币 mechanism allows the various players in the game industry chain, especially players and anchors, to participate in the game under the influence of economic incentives. In marketing, a new game distribution platform is created. Currently, such self-built game platform model projects include Refereum, Abyss:

3.3区块链 game

At present, through the research of the Firecoin区块链 Research Institute, the current blockchain games are mainly native blockchain games. The real traditional blockchains have not yet been seen. The mainstream blockchain games have the following types. Gameplay design:

Mainly around the auction and trading of game assets, the subject of the transaction can be anything, up to the country, the land, down to the celebrity, and this part of the assets, in the form of ERC721 non-standard assets, each asset is unique. The more typical games are CryptoCountries. This type of auction-driven game is essentially a drum-and-drum flower that requires players to buy at a higher price, and the ecology is sustainable. The profit model of the game is relatively simple, that is, the platform extracts transaction fees.

Another asset-based card game, GodsUnchained, is similar to the Hearthstone legend in the traditional game world. It is a turn-based card strategy strategy game. The difference is that each card has its own ERC-721 token, and the game sets a rare card with a release limit, which greatly guarantees its scarcity and enables free trading. The game will also host a world championship every year. Adding playability and sustainability to game assets is no longer just a “drums”.

A smart contracted game that combines blockchain with quiz and gambling games such as sports quiz, dice, poker, blackjack, and slot machines. On the one hand, the platform information is transparent, creating a more fair quiz and gambling environment; on the other hand, through the blockchain's own token system, users can obtain more direct benefits and rewards. Take Endless Game as an example. The game has games such as dice, poker, prediction, big lottery, and open treasure chest. Players can get real tokens (ETH / BTC / TRX / IOST) by betting. All ET (Endless Game platform token) holders will receive a dividend for life.

RPG games have always been a popular game category, and the addition of blockchain elements adds new possibilities to this old-fashioned game category, while its playability and game play are superior to other blockchain games. Player recognition, according to DappReview data, My 加密货币Heroes ranks in the top ten in Ethereum games, EOSKnights and EOS are ranked in the top three in EOS games, and the number of users in 24 hours is around 2000. However, due to factors such as the development cycle, such games are still in the market.

My 加密货币Heroes is a convenient and casual placement RPG game with two versions of mobile and PC page. The game has raised more than 1,200 ETHs in pre-sales, and soon won the first place in the game list after the launch, and still has a high level of activity. In the game, players can edit the hero's attributes and skills to create weapons, heroes and weapons are freely traded on the chain. In the end, the players combine a high-strength team to fight and conquer the game world. EOSKnights invaded the village with Goblin. The knights need to pick up their weapons against the invasion. Players play monsters, upgrade and make equipment. The project will release items and missions from time to time. Players can get EOS after completing the mission. reward. The EOS Three Kingdoms is the first RPG blockchain game in the context of the Three Kingdoms. Players enhance their three heroes through experience accumulation, equipment creation and domestication of pets. At the same time, obtain the exclusive tokens of the three countries Tongbao or buy and sell assets in the in-game trading market to earn EOS cash income.

MMO games have a variety of gameplay, rich social experience, has always been the hottest game category in the online game world, has produced epic games such as Fantasy Westward Journey and World of Warcraft. However, this type of game is still very rare in the field of blockchain games. Decentralized MMO game Superplayer has a variety of modes such as secret exploration copy, MOBA battle arena, war castle plunder, etc. All the falling equipment in the game is freely circulated on the chain, so that free users can also make money. CryptoAssault takes the modern military war as the theme, and uses the mutual restraint relationship and map topography of different combat units to carry out the formation of troops, occupying the territory to seize the daily ETH compensation. Players need to purchase combat units with ETH. The combat units belong to ERC-721Token and have individual attribute differences.

Combine blockchain with traditional gameplay. In these games, users can often obtain digital assets such as ETH and EOS through battles, tasks, and trading equipment, thus obtaining stronger incentives and satisfaction than traditional games. Take Hypersnake developed by MixMarvel as an example. The game is currently the top of the DappReview Ethereum game list. The game is based on the traditional Snake game. In the core game Snake King mode, players need to pay a certain amount of ETH as an entrance fee. 85% of the admission fee will be distributed in the game for players to control the collection of snakes, and the survival of the snake can take away ETH benefits. Another strategy-based game encryption throne is based on EOS development. In the game, each player has his own castle, constantly producing resources, upgrading buildings, recruiting soldiers, freely trading, and playing EOS rewards. 0xRacers is a racing manager game where players can configure parts to get higher performance cars, participate in racing events and profit from the game. The game currently supports Ethereum, EOS and Tron.

3.4 Game Asset Trading Market

The biggest impact of the blockchain on the game is the determination and attribution of the virtual asset, and the trace history of the virtual asset can be traced back. The value of the export is in the virtual asset transaction, and because of the blockchain cross-application account attribute, the game The assets are interoperable, so the virtual asset trading market across games may become a great hub for traffic and wealth distribution in the future with great potential.

Some games Dapp itself has a built-in trading market (we call it the on-market trading market). For example, the crypto cat Dapp has designed a "cat market" dedicated to trading, and is equipped with a dedicated smart contract for matching, users will assets Transfer to a smart contract for trading, the contract will draw a 3.8% fee. In addition, there is a part of the off-market third-party NFT trading market based on blockchain and smart contracts, but on the whole, the third-party NFT trading market can play a certain role in liquidity supplement, but it is still In the early stage of development, faced with the problem of insufficient depth, most users also choose to trade in the on-exchange market. But in the future, with the rise of third-party NFT trading market traffic, it may have a significant impact on the on-market trading market.

Fourth, the future outlook

In the past year, although the blockchain game has developed, it still has outstanding problems, obvious bottlenecks, and the road to development is confusing. However, in the long run, the application of blockchain technology in the game industry will bring unprecedented breakthroughs and changes, which will surely break the limitations and limitations of the existing game industry and create a new world. We believe that: First, the introduction of blockchain technology will break the pattern of project start-ups or developers controlling games, and community-based operations will become mainstream; second, game development teams will also gain more diversified profits through blockchain elements. Mode; again, the blockchain game will make the game world of “number one player” a reality; and creating an “explosion” is of great significance to the industry, which can quickly expand its influence and accelerate the development of the industry; in addition, the perfect industry ecology It will be an important symbol of the eve of the blockchain game boom.

The game is no longer just a development team

In the world of blockchains, communities are often able to replace start-up teams as the master of the project. In the future of blockchain games, players and eco-builders will also contribute their own strength to build a game ecosystem. On the one hand, due to the decentralization of the blockchain, members of the ecology have a more equal status and voice; on the other hand, the open source and liberal spirit advocated by the blockchain will also promote the open source and co-construction of the game code. 。 Players and eco-participants can make suggestions for the game, and even develop their own version of the game. The gameplay will become more diverse and diverse, and the game's scalability and vitality will be extended as never before. Even if the start-up team leaves the project, the community can still develop and maintain it, giving the game a new life and strength.

Diversification of profit model

We saw the introduction of the C2C (Player and Player) trading market within the game after introducing the blockchain element (see section 2.3), which means that the game itself is more than just a game platform. It is accompanied by the properties of the game asset exchange. Therefore, when the future game assets are massively chained and the trading market is opened, the game R&D team can not only obtain revenue from the game content, but also collect the player's asset transaction fee through the game's exchange property. In addition, the game development team is no longer limited to how much money is sold by selling the game currency, but can increase the value of the project through the appreciation of the game assets, with greater imagination. Game developers and gamers will stand in the same camp for the first time to promote the development of the game platform.

区块链 leads the "number one player"

Traditional Internet games are single and closed economies, and game assets are controlled by centralized organizations and cannot be circulated outside the system. In fact, the over-the-counter trading of game assets is extremely active and has become an indispensable part of the game ecosystem. In addition, current game assets can only be used in a single game, and can not be freely circulated and used between multiple games, which not only limits the use of game assets, but also reduces the value of game assets. The game and the game are also separated and cannot interact.

The blockchain technology will bring us new solutions and open up a broader imagination in the future. Future blockchain games will not only open the center of the game, but also guarantee the user's assets in the game, and can easily establish an asset trading platform, and through the technology of cross-chain, the game assets can be multi-platform. In circulation. Future games may no longer be the existence of a single gameplay, but rather a massive game world like the "number one player" built through the blockchain. In this game world, props, equipment, assets, IP, etc. are shared and interoperable, players can switch freely in the game world, game assets will be used to the maximum extent, the game ecology will be unprecedentedly built and improved, the player's The user experience will also be improved in all directions.

Waiting for an "explosion"

We believe that whether it is a traditional game or a blockchain game, it is inseparable from the core of the game: "fun", you can not lose the "fun" kernel by adding the blockchain element, so that the game is upside down. However, to create a "fun" blockchain game, only the blockchain technology and the blockchain industry are not enough. It also requires the development and design and operation experience of traditional games, as well as more funds and R&D resources in the early stage. The development of the blockchain game industry has only been two or three years. With reference to the development cycle of traditional games, it is difficult to breed a fun "explosion" game in terms of time. Usually, the emergence of "explosive money" with unpredictable contingency factors, in the traditional game industry, "explosive money" is also a very small number of people walking through the wooden bridge in the fierce competition, is the representative of excellent content, is a good time The lucky ones are the product of two-way intertwining of contingency and inevitability. The meaning of “explosion” is not the technical and gameplay breakthrough of the game, but its huge appeal to traditional players and ordinary users, which will further expand the social influence of the blockchain game and even the blockchain industry. To enhance the awareness of ordinary users and accelerate the development of the industry. With the continuous participation of traditional game developers, it will bring more professional game genes to the industry, and at the same time integrate the blockchain elements into the game world more perfectly. The emergence of “explosive models” will also be closer to us.

Ecological perfection is the eve of the industry boom

Any industry will involve multiple links in the upstream and downstream of the industry chain. Through the cooperation of each other, the industry will bring a complete business closed loop, and the more mature the industry, the more detailed the division of labor between the upstream and downstream of the industry chain, and the closer the links. The same is true for blockchain games. The eve of the industry boom will be the initial construction of the industry ecology. At present, the blockchain game industry is still in its infancy. Although there are already divisions in the direction of developer tool providers, game distribution platforms, game communities, and virtual asset trading markets, the division of labor is still very rough, and many links are still missing. Far from being formed. When the upstream and downstream of the industry can form fierce competition in all aspects, and the division of labor becomes more and more detailed, and the cooperation becomes more and more close, it is the time when the blockchain game is booming.

Firecoin区块链 Application Research Institute

about us:

The Firecoin区块链 Application Research Institute (referred to as “Fire Coin Research Institute”) was established in April 2016. Since March 2018, it has expanded its research and exploration in various fields of blockchain. The main research contents include blockchain field. Technical research, industry analysis, application innovation, model exploration, etc. We hope to build a research platform covering the complete industrial chain of blockchain, provide a solid theoretical foundation and trend judgment for the blockchain industry, and promote the development of the entire blockchain industry.

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