




除此之外,Roobee还有两轮成功的IEO资金,迄今为止共筹集了330万美元。它从一位名为“200mln trader”的著名加密货币鲸鱼交易商那里获得了450万美元的投资。








Roobee的网络是一个基于区块链的解决方案,拥有坚实的架构,结合了被许可的区块链模型RoobeeChain。它基于以太坊的公共网络,以及Hyperledger Fabric。这里唯一的问题是Roobee无法控制,因为以太坊的网络目前已经堵塞,并且正在接近最大容量。其目的是保证数字化资产的发行,透明的报告,并为分配执行管理资产处理的智能合约提供环境。





Roobee ID

Roobee ID代表一个开源库,与RoobeeChain交互而无需信任第三方。它是HyperLedger Fabric KPI的一部分。它存储私钥,并允许以安全和去中心化的方式签署交易。它还为繁琐的KYC / AML程序提供了解决方案,因为一旦使用经过验证的KYC / AML数据交易到RoobeeChain,Roobee ID最大限度地减少了请求的数量并检查了对平台上所有投资产品的访问。


这可能是Roobee区块链最重要的特征之一 – 处理数字化资产。用户的数字资产执行的所有操作都必须使用Roobee ID使用其私钥进行签名。


  • Roobee投资
  • Roobee得分
  • Roobee Fin
  • 罗贝市场
  • Roobee Liquid
  • Roobee社区





















该团队声称这是其优势之一。 Roobee的Twitter页面已经有大约5,500名粉丝,这些粉丝并不大,但也不容忽视。 Telegram集团还拥有超过4500名员工。


  • 电子邮件营销
  • 横幅广告
  • 通过意见领袖和博主做广告
  • 注册会计师营销
  • 视频营销
  • 重新定向
  • 谷歌广告
  • 会议上的广告和赞助


正如我们上面提到的,Roobee通过Initial交易所 Offerings成功完成了两轮融资。




  • 超过1500美元 – 5%
  • 超过3000美元 – 7%
  • 超过7000美元 – 10%


这一轮融资使该项目在EXMO交易所筹集了300个BTC。同样,每个ROOBEE令牌的价格设置为0.01美元。 IEO于6月4日开始,于6月7日结束。个人帐户的限价单再次为10,000美元。

IEO On Liquid于9月18日举行

Roobee将于9月18日在Liquid上进行IEO。要出售的代币总数为300,000,000。最低投资额为1,000 ROOBEE令牌。每个令牌的价格设置为0.00000126BTC或0.0127美元。用户可以利用有趣的奖励层。这些包括:




Roobee服务9个月收取成功费用可享高达40%的折扣。与来自投资领域的顶尖专家一起访问在线投资教育平台9个月。 Roobee及其合作伙伴为全球私人活动和会议提供免费金票12个月


Roobee服务9个月收取的成功费用可享受高达50%的折扣。与来自投资领域的顶尖专家一起访问在线投资教育平台12个月。 Roobee和合作伙伴为世界各地的私人活动和会议提供18个月的免费优惠门票




  • 获得其他投资模式
  • 降低平台上用户的交易成本
  • 自我重新平衡他们的投资组合
  • 在Roobee市场获得更多产品
  • 访问Roobee教育平台
  • 在平台上获得高级状态。








Amine Berraoui(首席执行官) – Amine是Roobee的首席执行官。他在金融领域拥有丰富的经验。他曾担任苏格兰皇家银行的董事总经理兼外汇与流动主管三年,以及德意志银行的MD和外汇销售主管。他还与荷兰银行,花旗银行等其他主要银行业巨头合作。他在传统金融领域的经验将帮助Roobee将创新投资工具带到普通投资者手中。

Vladi Siganevic(CMO) – Vladi是Roobee的首席营销官。他拥有超过15年的数字营销经验,并且还管理着Creamfinance Czech,这家公司的收入超过3500万美元,募集资金为2000万美元。展望未来,Vladi在数字营销方面的经验,特别是在金融领域,应该帮助Roobee达到目标受众并实现其初步目标。

Oleg Gaidukov(首席技术官) – Oleg是Roobee的首席技术官。他的背景相当广泛,曾在Keymano,Boomstarter.Network等各种金融科技公司担任过高管职务。他还曾在欧盟银行Banca Intesa担任电信和企业网络负责人。他在空间方面的经验和他的技术知识将从纯粹的技术角度为Roobee的目标做出贡献。

Denis Kaizer,区块链研发部主管 – 丹尼斯毕业于新西伯利亚国立技术大学,拥有经济学硕士学位。他是公认的Solidity开发人员,在Forseti和Cryptoworld等加密货币相关公司拥有丰富经验。他也是一个去中心化应用程序(DApps)架构师。他在区块链领域的经验将有助于该项目将其结构变为现实


Albert Sagiryan,投资和金融市场顾问 – Albert是国际投资基金GEMCORP Capital的合伙人,GEMCORP Capital是FCA监管基金。他还是高盛(Goldman Sachs)和摩根大通(JP Morgan)的前任董事总经理。展望未来,他在项目中的作用不过是显而易见的,因为他的联系和经验无疑可以帮助Roobee实现其为大众带来创新投资产品的雄心勃勃的目标。

Daniele Azzaro,AML /安全顾问 – Daniele拥有超过15年的全球大亨咨询经验,如劳埃德,巴克莱和苏格兰皇家银行。他还是认证反洗钱专家协会(ACAMS)的成员,他对KYC / AML程序的咨询肯定会使Roobee受益于监管的明确性和监督。

Serj Azatyan,战略合作伙伴兼顾问 – Serj毕业于哈佛商学院。他还共同创办了Inventure Partners,这是一家早期风险投资公司,拥有广泛的利润丰厚的投资组合。他的专业知识和关系可以帮助Roobee带来财务稳定性和确保项目正常发展所需的资金。



Binance-Binance是世界领先的加密货币交易所。 Roobee与Binance合作保证Roobee平台的流动性。

BitGo-BitGo是最大的比特币处理器之一,是安全,保管和合规方面的领导者。每月交易额超过15亿美元,BitGo是一个著名的权威机构。 Roobee与BitGo合作开发其安全存储解决方案。

Sum&Substance- Sum And Substance是领先的KYC / AML提供商。该团队与该公司合作,以确保其平台上的KYC / AML合规性。

Inventure Partners-这是Roobee的战略合作伙伴。它是一家创新型投资公司,拥有广泛的项目组合,如Gett(GetTaxi)。 。

Blockize- Blockize是一个以区块链为重点的全方位企业服务平台。 Roobee与之合作,以扩大其在不同市场的业务拓展。

HyperLedger – 由Linux基金会创建,HyperLedger Fabric受到市场上大多数参与者的支持,包括英特尔和IBM。 Roobee与该公司合作,使用HyperLedger Fabric框架创建他们的许可区块链。




2017年第四季度 – >项目构想。

2018年第一季度 – >确保450万美元的投资

2018年第二季度 – >制定开发人员和管理人员的核心团队

2018年第三季度 – >为各种投资产品分配1500万美元以测试这一想法

2018年第四季度 – >欧盟存储和交易所加密货币许可证

2019年第一季度 – > 30万人投资社区

2019年第二季度 – > Roobee MVP,测试版,Roobee Marketplace,推出基于加密的产品

2019年第3季度 – > Roobee移动应用程序(测试版),与经纪人签订协议,公开测试

2019年第四季度 – > ETF和股票产品推出,Roobee 0.8推出,欧盟许可申请,推出首个测试运营市场

2020年第一季度 – > Roobee去中心化钱包,测试版Roobee区块链,PoC与NeoBank银行,签署协议的Beta版本

2020年第二季度 – >完全兼容的beta区块链发布,市场扩张的第一阶段,与机构投资者合作,推出房地产产品

2020年第3季度 – > Roobee区块链的现场版,Roobee钱包的现场版,风险基金产品

2020年第四季度 – > Roobee平台的现场版本,签署新的经纪人协议

2021年第一季度 – > Roobee Liquid,市场拓展,年度报告和审计,商品和债务产品

2021年第二季度 – > Roobee Terminal,私人资产管理公司的去中心化市场






8.9 / 10


8.3 / 10


8.5 / 10


9.2 / 10


8.5 / 10


8.0 / 10


9.1 / 10


8.5 / 10

{“@ context”:“http: / / /”,“@ type”:“Product”,“name”:“Roobee评测 and Rating”,“image”:“https: / /×100.jpg","description":"Roobee是一个投资平台,旨在让散户投资者花钱通常具有较高门槛的各种投资产品只需10美元,其中包括但不限于IPO,股票,投资基金,加密货币,房地产和其他类似投资产品。 u00a0背后的推测团队 NEWLINENEWLINE此功能… “” 优惠 “:{” @类型 “:” 要约 “ ”价格“: ”0.00“, ”priceCurrency“: ”$“, ”卖方“:{ ”@类型“:” 人“,”name“:”Felix Mollen“}},”review“:{”@ type“:”Review“,”reviewRating“:{”@ type“:”Rating“,”bestRating“:”10“,”最差评价“:”0“,”ratingValue“:”8.63“},”名称“:”Roobee评测和评级“,”reviewBody“:”Roobee是一个投资平台,旨在让散户投资者只需花费10美元各种各样的投资产品,通常都有很高的价值hreshold。这些包括但不限于IPO,股票,投资基金,加密货币,房地产等等。 u00a0 r n r n n团队概念背后的假设和项目的主要动力是资产管理行业目前处于巨大变化的边缘。因此,他们认为,在不久的将来,许多人将能够投资一系列资产而没有目前阻止他们这样做的重要门槛。 u00a0 r n r团队开发了一个强大的生态系统,获得了一个完全成熟的方法,以适应所有在同一个篮子里。让我们仔细研究一下项目核心,包括主要功能,市场战略,令牌组学以及所有本质。 r n r n该团队已经提出了一个有效的商业模式和在通过测试系统分配了1500万美元后,私人模式工作的MVP。 u00a0 r n r n除此之外,Roobee已经成功完成了两轮IEO资金,最近共筹集了330万美元。它从一位名叫 u201c200mln trader u201d的著名加密货币鲸鱼交易者那里获得了450万美元的投资。 u00a0 r n r nRoobee现在即将通过Liquid交易所的IEO进行第三轮融资。它将于9月18日举行,目的是筹集总计381万美元。 r n Roobee是什么? r nRoobee提出了一个基于区块链的投资软件平台,利用透明记录和人工智能(AI) 。它的目标是帮助人们做出明智的投资决策,并允许他们在创新投资产品上花费10美元,包括加密货币,投资基金,IPO,股票,房地产等等。 u00a0 r n r nRoobee提供了一个坚实的案例,普通散户投资者(大多数)缺乏传统投资工具,在大多数情况下,无法满足高门槛。因此,它提供了一个可行的替代方案,条目减少到10美元,几乎每个人都可以利用他们的备用资金。 u00a0 r n主要功能 r nRoobee n生态系统由几个关键组件组成,所有其中有助于整个项目。其中包括: r nRoobee Network u00a0 r nRoobee u2019s网络是一种基于区块链的解决方案,拥有坚实的架构,结合了被称为RoobeeChain的许可区块链模型。它基于以太坊的公共网络,以及Hyperledger Fabric。这里唯一的问题是在Roobee控制之外,因为以太坊网络目前已经堵塞并正在接近最大容量。其目的是保证数字化资产的发行,透明的报告,并为分配执行管理资产处理的智能合约提供环境。 u00a0 r n网络演员 r n这些代表所有参与者Roobee u2019s生态系统。当然,这些包括Roobee投资平台,其用户,投资产品提供商和审计师。审核员是RoobeeChain的关键部分,因为他们充当交易的最终验证者,并验证区块链上记录的信息的真实性和准确性。该团队的计划是为演员创建一个奖励系统,并创建一个教育平台,解释如何加入以及如何支持网络。 r nRoobee钱包 r n u00a首先,Roobee的钱包将会是非监禁的。它旨在为用户提供相当简单的加密货币交易所。它将使用多信号技术和API进行不同的交易所。 u00a0 r nRoobee ID r nRoobee ID代表一个开源库,它与RoobeeChain交互而不必信任第三方。它是HyperLedger Fabric KPI的一部分。它存储私钥,并允许以安全和去中心化的方式签署交易。它还为繁琐的KYC / AML程序提供了解决方案,因为一旦使用经过验证的KYC / AML数据交易到RoobeeChain,Roobee ID可以最大限度地减少请求数量并检查平台上所有投资产品的访问权限。 u00a0 r n资产化数字化 r n这可能是Roobee区块链最重要的特征之一 – 处理数字化资产。用户数字资产执行的所有操作都必须使用Roobee ID使用他的私钥进行签名。 u00a0 r n r n n Roobee生态系统的其他功能值得一提的包括: r n r n tRoobee Investee r n tRoobee Score r n tRoobee Fin r n tRoobee Market r n tRoobee Liquid r n t tRoobee社区 r n r n所有这些提供了一个完善的生态系统,保证了在传统和加密货币市场投资的全面方法。 u00a0 r n r n r n竞争对手 r nRoobee带有一些有趣的关键点,可以使它在竞争中脱颖而出。这些要点可以归纳为原因。 u00a0 r n r n r n n n n 该项目耗资450万美元。他的名字是 u201c200m_trader。 u201d这项投资的最初公告于2019年2月在CCN上发布。 u00a0 r n成功资金回合 r n由于蝙蝠,该项目已经经历了一些不同的最初的交易所产品使它能够筹集大量资金,以及在加密货币社区中传播消息。 u00a0 r n r n r nRoobee在Bitforex交易所两轮融资900,000美元两个单独的平台,两个都很快关闭。 u00a0 r n r n r n项目还在EXMO交易所的IEO中共筹集了300 BTC,进一步增加了资金矿池,以及对该项目更感兴趣。 u00a0 r n开发完全成熟的生态系统 r n如上所述,该团队已经超越了开发投资者所需的所有工具。参与项目生态系统。通过成为传统和加密货币零售投资者的一站式服务。 r n拥有专家团队 r n一个令人印象深刻的事情是,Roobee团队不仅知名,而且相关且适当。参与该项目的人员是各自领域的专业人士,但他们也有相关经验。他们都拥有一套技能和知识,可以帮助项目向前发展并实现目标。 u00a0 r n市场战略 r nRoobee计划以两种不同的方式吸引新用户。第一个是通过直接广告,它可能不是很令人惊讶。然而,项目已经提出的资金应该有助于它在这方面的努力,因为整个事情是资金充足的。 u00a0 r n r n他们想要实施的第二个战略是通过间接吸引力。这意味着他们将继续发展他们的投资者社区。 u00a0 r n r n在市场营销方面,白皮书概述了将要使用的几种不同渠道。这些包括: r n nSEO r n该项目将在搜索引擎优化领域做很多工作,因此吸引该项目的人将具有良好的目标性和相关性。该公司还计划推出一个内部投资博客,以热身搜索引擎并为观众提供额外的价值。 r n社交媒体营销 r n该团队声称这是其优势之一。 Roobee的Twitter页面已经有大约5,500名粉丝,这些粉丝并不大,但也不容忽视。 Telegram集团还拥有超过4500名员工。 u00a0 r n r n此外,该团队还计划利用其他数字广告方法,其中包括: r n r n t _电子邮件营销 r n tBanner广告 r n t广告通过意见领袖和博主 r n tCPA营销 r n t视频营销 r n tRetargeting r n tGoogle广告 r n 会议上的广告和赞助 r n r nIEO和上一轮条款 r n如上所述,Roobee通过初始交易所产品成功完成了两轮融资。 u00a0 r nIEO关于Bitforex r n这个圆形看到该项目总共筹集了90万美元。它分为两部分。第一部分在不到一个小时内筹集了750,000美元,而第二部分筹集了150,000美元,并在20分钟内结束。 u00a0 r n r n n n n n n n n u 以0.01美元的价格出售。最低购买限额为10美元,而个人限额为10,000美元。还有一些奖金: r n r n t超过$1500 – 5% r n t超过3000美元 – 7% r n t超过$7000 – 10% r n r nIEO参加EXMO交易所 r n本次筹款活动看到该项目在EXMO交易所共筹集了300个BTC。同样,每个ROOBEE令牌的价格设置为0.01美元。 IEO于6月4日开始,于6月7日结束。个人账户的限价订单再次为10,000美元。 u00O r nIEO On Liquid 9月18日 r nRoobee将于9月18日在Liquid上进行IEO。要出售的代币总数为300,000,000。最低投资额为1,000 ROOBEE令牌。每个令牌的价格设置为0.00000126BTC或0.0127美元。用户可以利用有趣的奖励层。其中包括: r nSILVER状态从$2000 r n这些人将收到Roobee在线投资教育平台6个月和6个月的成功收费30%,其中包括来自投资界的顶尖专家。 u00a0 r nGOLD状态从$4000 r nUpp到Roobee服务9个月收取成功费用的40%折扣。与来自投资领域的顶尖专家一起访问在线投资教育平台9个月。 Roobee及其合作伙伴为全球私人活动和会议提供免费金票12个月 r n nPRIME状态从$8000 r nUpp到Roobee服务9个月收取成功费用的50%折扣。与来自投资领域的顶尖专家一起访问在线投资教育平台12个月。 Roobee和合作伙伴为世界各地的私人活动和会议提供18个月的免费优惠门票 r n使用 r n项目发布所谓的ROOBEE令牌。它是一个基于Ethereum u2019s网络的ERC20标准令牌。 u00a0 r n r n根据白皮书,令牌将允许具有以下功能的用户: r n r n t访问其他投资模式 r n t平台上用户的交易成本降低 r n t自我重新平衡其投资组合 r n t获取Roobee Market上其他产品的访问权限 r n tAccessing Roobee教育平台 r n t获取平台上的高级状态。 u00a0 r n r n n n n因此,它清楚ROOBEE令牌不是安全性而是实用程序令牌,应该使监管合规更轻松。该令牌不授予任何参与公司或其资产的权利。它不代表贷款义务,也不被视为任何司法管辖区的证券。 u00a0 r n r n项目将共发行5,400,000,000股ROOBEE代币。不可能有额外的排放。它是一个mintable令牌。 u00a0 r n r n在令牌分发方面,下图最好地将其可视化: r n r n r n团队成员和顾问 r n n n u2019可以肯定地说,Roobee在创建一个由知名和经验丰富的成员组成的多元化和专业化团队方面做得很好。公司的执行人员带来了关键经验,以及传统金融,金融科技和基于区块链技术的适当技能。至少可以说,顾问委员会包括在所有正确领域拥有知识和联系的专家。 u00a0 r n团队成员 r nAmine Berraoui(首席执行官) – Amine是Roobee的首席执行官。他在金融领域拥有丰富的经验。他曾在苏格兰皇家银行担任董事总经理兼外汇与流动主管三年,并担任德意志银行的MD和外汇销售主管。他还与荷兰银行,花旗银行等其他主要银行业巨头合作。 His experience in the field of traditional finance will help Roobeeu2019s goal to bring innovative investment instruments to the hands of the ordinary investor.u00a0rnrnVladi Siganevic (CMO) – Vladi is the Chief Marketing Officer of Roobee. He has over 15 years of experience in digital marketing and is also managing Creamfinance Czech, a company with more than $35M of revenue and $20M of raised capital. Going forward, Vladiu2019s experience in digital marketing, especially in the field of finance, should help Roobee reach its target audience and accomplish its preliminary goals.u00a0rnrnOleg Gaidukov (CTO) – Oleg is the Chief Technology Officer of Roobee. His background is quite extensive, having occupied executive positions in various fintech companies such as Keymano, Boomstarter.Network, and others. He also served as the Head of Telecommunication and Enterprise Networks at Tier-1 EU Bank Banca Intesa. His experience in the space and his technical knowledge will contribute to Roobeeu2019s goals from a sheer technological perspective.u00a0rnrnDenis Kaizer, Head of区块链 R&D – Denis has graduated from the Novosibirsk State Technical University and has a Masteru2019s degree in Economics. He is a recognized Solidity developer with experience in crypto-related companies such as Forseti and Cryptoworld. He is also a Decentralized Apps (DApps) architect. His experience in the field of blockchain will help the project bring its structure to lifeu00a0rnKey AdvisorsrnAlbert Sagiryan, Investment and Financial Markets Advisor – Albert is a partner in the international investment fund GEMCORP Capital, an FCA regulated fund. Heu2019s also a former Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. Going forward, his role in the project is nothing but obvious as his connections and experience can surely help Roobee achieve its ambitious goals of bringing innovative investment products to the masses.u00a0rnrnDaniele Azzaro, AML/Security Advisor – Daniele has upwards of 15 years of consulting experience for global moguls such as Lloyds, Barclays, and The Royal Bank of Scotland. Heu2019s also a member of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS), and his advisory on KYC/AML procedures will surely benefit Roobee achieve regulatory clarity and oversight.u00a0rnrnSerj Azatyan, Strategic Partner and Advisor – Serj has graduated from Harvard Business School. He has also co-founded Inventure Partners, an early-stage venture capital firm with a broad portfolio of lucrative investments. His expertise and connections can help Roobee bring in financial stability and the funds necessary to secure the projectu2019s proper development.u00a0rnPartners And InvestorsrnIn terms of partnerships, Roobee is working with the following companies to improve different aspects of its product:rnrnBinance-u00a0币安is the worldu2019s leading cryptocurrency exchange. Roobee works with 币安on guaranteeing the liquidity to the Roobee platform.u00a0rnrnBitGo-u00a0BitGo is one of the largest Bitcoin processors and itu2019s a leader in security, custody, and compliance. With over $15B in monthly transactions, BitGo is a well-known authority. Roobee works with BitGo on its safe storage solutions.rnrnSum & Substance-u00a0Sum And Substance is a leading KYC/AML provider. The team works with the company to guarantee KYC/AML compliance on its platform.u00a0rnrnInventure Partners-u00a0This is a strategic partner of Roobee. It is an innovative investment firm which has a broad portfolio of projects such as Gett (GetTaxi). .u00a0rnrnBlockize-u00a0Blockize is a blockchain-focused, full-circle enterprise service platform. Roobee works with it to expand its business outreach in different markets.u00a0rnrnHyperLedger -u00a0Created by the Linux基金, HyperLedger Fabric is supported by the majority of players in the market, including Intel and IBM. Roobee works with the company on creating their permissioned blockchain using the HyperLedger Fabric framework.u00a0rnrnSmartDec-u00a0This is a well-known security company in the field of blockchain and Roobee works with it to audit its smart contracts.rnRoadmaprnThe roadmap of the project is pretty ambitious. Summing it up, it look slike this:rnrnQ4 2017 -> Project ideation.u00a0rnrnQ1 2018 -> Securing $4.5M USD investmentrnrnQ2 2018 -> Formulating the core team of developers and managersrnrnQ3 2018 -> Allocating $15M to various investment products to test the idearnrnQ4 2018 -> Licenses for storage and exchange of crypto in the EUrnrnQ1 2019 -> 300,000 people investment communityrnrnQ2 2019 -> Roobee MVP, beta versions, Roobee Marketplace, launch of crypto-based productsrnrnQ3 2019 -> Roobee mobile app (beta), signature of agreements with brokers, public testingrnrnQ4 2019 -> ETF and Shares products launch, Roobee 0.8 launch, licensing applications in EU, launch of first operational market for testingu00a0rnrnQ1 2020 -> Beta release of Roobeeu2019s decentralized wallet, beta version of Roobee blockchain, PoC with bank of NeoBank, signing agreementsrnrnQ2 2020 -> Fully compatible beta blockchain release, phase 1 of market expansion, cooperating with institutional investors, launch of real-estate productsrnrnQ3 2020 -> Live version of Roobee blockchain, live version of Roobee钱包, venture fund productsrnrnQ4 2020 -> Live version of Roobee platform, signing new broker agreementsrnrnQ1 2021 -> Roobee Liquid, market expansion, annual report and audit, commodities and debts productsrnrnQ2 2021 -> Roobee Terminal, decentralized marketplace for private asset managersrnConclusionrnrnStage of the ProjectrnWorking private MVP for special focus-groups of users in private mode. Well written whitepaper.rnrnScore: 8.3rnProject PotentialrnEven though the trading software market is a vast market with the potential of billions of dollars revenue there is an outstanding number of competitors. To stand out, Roobee will have to partner with the most well-known companies in the industry, to offer the most advanced financial products and to have a large budget for marketing. So far it seems like they are on the right track with extensive coverage on the media, partners such as 币安and BitGo. Regarding their products, allowing low barrier of 10$to invest can significantly extend their audience.rnrnAnother challenge they will have to face is how to attract network actors, and this is not an easy task that every new decentralized network has to face,u00a0 according to Roobee they will have a rewarding system program for actors and also educational platform, that will explain people how to join the network.rnrnScore: 8.5rnCommunityrnIt seems like the Roobee team gave a lot of effort to develop an extensive community:rnrn t u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 Artem Popov is a co-founder of "10 dollars of Buffet", a Russian investment community with total audience more than 300K members.rn t u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 Wikipedia page that covers the project.rn t u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 5.6K likes on their Facebook page but not a lot of discussions and comments.rn t u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 1 Page on Bitcointalk.comrn t u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 5.4 followers on Twittersrn t u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 Endless amount of mentions on tier-1 sites such as Yahoo, Bloomberg, Reuters, etc.rnrnScore: 9.2rnToken Use:rnThe Roobee token is defined as a utility token inside the Roobee platform; it will give many privileges to its holders such as additional investments modes, discount on transactions cost, other premium products, etc. There is a clear positive correlation between the success of the platform to the price of the token.rnrnScore: 8.5rnBackend Technology:rnRoobee will create a permissioned blockchain, based on the HyperLedger Fabric platform. Their current GitHub account is minimal with only 37 commits. Also they are exploiting IBMu2019s cutting edge cloud and blockchain technologies.rnrnScore: 8.5rnTeam and Advisory Board:rnRoobee introduced a highly equipped team with experts in the right fields of finance, marketing, technology, and blockchain. Regarding the advisory board, Roobee managed to partner with influential figures in some of the public investment funds. Also, one of the most significant challenges in trading platforms is money laundering, for that Roobee recruited Daniele Azzaro which is a world-class anti-laundering expert. Beside this we donu2019t see any tier-1 blockchain figure on their team.rnrnScore: 8.9rnWhitepaperrnWell explained whitepaper which gives clear details about the business, technology, team, and strategy of the companyrnrnScore: 9.1rnToken Sale TermsrnRoobee already conducted two successful IEOs were they raised 3.3 M USD for 6% of their tokens for a price of 0.01 USD per one token. In the next IEO Roobee is planing to raise additional 3.81 M USD for 5.56% of their total supply for a price 0.0127 USD per token. According to their whitepaper they will eventually sell 54%u00a0 of their total supply. Roobee team has announced that the tokens that will be sold in the future token sales will be sold for the same price (0.0127$) and the ones who will not be sold will be burn.u00a0rnrnIn the current price the total market cap will be concluded into 61.1M USD which is pretty high for those days.u00a0rnrnScore: 8.0","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Felix Mollen"},"datePublished":"2019-09-17"}}

Stage of the Project

Working private MVP for special focus-groups of users in private mode. Well written whitepaper.

Score: 8.3

Project Potential

Even though the trading software market is a vast market with the potential of billions of dollars revenue there is an outstanding number of competitors. To stand out, Roobee will have to partner with the most well-known companies in the industry, to offer the most advanced financial products and to have a large budget for marketing. So far it seems like they are on the right track with extensive coverage on the media, partners such as 币安and BitGo. Regarding their products, allowing low barrier of 10$to invest can significantly extend their audience.

Another challenge they will have to face is how to attract network actors, and this is not an easy task that every new decentralized network has to face,  according to Roobee they will have a rewarding system program for actors and also educational platform, that will explain people how to join the network.

Score: 8.5


It seems like the Roobee team gave a lot of effort to develop an extensive community:

  • Artem Popov is a co-founder of “10 dollars of Buffet”, a Russian investment community with total audience more than 300K members.
  • Wikipedia page that covers the project.
  • 5.6K likes on their Facebook page but not a lot of discussions and comments.
  • 1 Page on
  • 5.4 followers on Twitters
  • Endless amount of mentions on tier-1 sites such as Yahoo, Bloomberg, Reuters, etc.

Score: 9.2

Token Use:

The Roobee token is defined as a utility token inside the Roobee platform; it will give many privileges to its holders such as additional investments modes, discount on transactions cost, other premium products, etc. There is a clear positive correlation between the success of the platform to the price of the token.

Score: 8.5

Backend Technology:

Roobee will create a permissioned blockchain, based on the HyperLedger Fabric platform. Their current GitHub account is minimal with only 37 commits. Also they are exploiting IBM’s cutting edge cloud and blockchain technologies.

Score: 8.5

Team and Advisory Board:

Roobee introduced a highly equipped team with experts in the right fields of finance, marketing, technology, and blockchain. Regarding the advisory board, Roobee managed to partner with influential figures in some of the public investment funds. Also, one of the most significant challenges in trading platforms is money laundering, for that Roobee recruited Daniele Azzaro which is a world-class anti-laundering expert. Beside this we don’t see any tier-1 blockchain figure on their team.

Score: 8.9


Well explained whitepaper which gives clear details about the business, technology, team, and strategy of the company

Score: 9.1

Token Sale Terms

Roobee already conducted two successful IEOs were they raised 3.3 M USD for 6% of their tokens for a price of 0.01 USD per one token. In the next IEO Roobee is planing to raise additional 3.81 M USD for 5.56% of their total supply for a price 0.0127 USD per token. According to their whitepaper they will eventually sell 54%  of their total supply. Roobee team has announced that the tokens that will be sold in the future token sales will be sold for the same price (0.0127$) and the ones who will not be sold will be burn.

In the current price the total market cap will be concluded into 61.1M USD which is pretty high for those days.

Score: 8.0

The post Roobee (ROOBEE): IEO评测 and Rating Ahead of The代币 Sale appeared first on CryptoPotato.
