Op Ed:有多少錯誤讓一個Wright?

在其他文章和社交媒體上,有些人在個人層面上質疑Craig Wright的角色,並試圖建立與手頭事項無關的欺詐性商業行為模式。雖然我的研究讓我檢查了這些指控,但我決定將這篇特定文章的重點縮小到僅僅因為它與Wright聲稱他是比特幣的創造者中本聰有關。

2015年,克雷格·賴特(Craig S. Wright)作為一個神秘且充滿爭議的人物在比特幣爆發,他聲稱自己是比特幣的假名創造者中本聰(中本聰)。



Gavin Andresen在宣布他確信Craig Wright是中本聰之後

2017年,我在荷蘭阿納姆舉行的比特幣未來會議上親自會見了Craig Wright。當他沒有站在帶著相機指向他的舞台上時,他更加風度翩翩,儘管他看起來仍然相當頑固,並且傾向於以一種讓我發現比啟發更令人困惑的方式說話。

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多年來,我曾認為賴特會詆毀自己,以至於我們不再需要聽到他的聲音,但他堅持了下來。最近,他已經採取了合法的威脅,公開宣稱賴特不是Satoshi的人。但我認為中本聰不再對比特幣有任何權力 – Satoshi真實身份的問題只是一種無關緊要的好奇心。



Satoshi Evidence and Lack Thereof

Wright有可能以某種方式與Satoshi和比特幣的創造聯繫起來嗎?好吧,這不是一種可能反駁的聯繫 – 而賴特似乎也在指望這一點。



  • 他有可疑陳述和活動的記錄歷史。
  • 他有著誇大自己學歷的歷史。
  • 他在他的著作中提出了許多技術錯誤,這些錯誤使他對比特幣和互聯網技術的理解受到質疑。
  • 他的寫作風格(根據文本分析)和風度似乎與這些著作存檔的Satoshi的風格不同。
  • 賴特曾經說過:「我是一名律師,這(金融法)是我的專業領域,」當被問及金融法如何應用於比特幣時,真正的Satoshi說,「我不是律師,我可以'我可能會回答這個問題。「
  • Wright曾經說過:「我從來沒有說比特幣是一種加密貨幣」,但Satoshi多次稱比特幣為加密貨幣。
  • Wright曾經說他是一個「學術編碼員」,他不知道「真實世界的編碼」,但Satoshi說過,「我的代碼比用文字更好。」
  • 2008年,就在匿名中本聰出現前六個月,賴特發表了一篇公開帖子,稱「匿名是懦夫的盾牌,它是用來捍衛謊言的封面。我的生活是開放的,我幾乎不關心我的隱私。「
  • 2011年2月,他似乎根本沒有意識到比特幣,因為他正在考慮啟動一個由黃金支持的支付系統。
  • 2011年8月,他開始在他的著作中提到比特幣,但他稱之為「比特幣」,而Satoshi沒有在電子郵件或論壇帖子中使用空格或資本C.在早期的代碼庫中有一個「BitCoin」實例,但Satoshi自己後來糾正了大寫。
  • 他主動在山上購買和交易硬幣。 Gox在2013年和2014年。
  • 他曾經問過為什麼你會在刻錄地址中使用X而不是零。 中本聰發明了用於這些地址的Base58編碼方案,它有意排除看起來相似的數字和字母,例如零和字母O.
  • 他曾經聲稱比特幣的塊大小是在塊頭中設置的(事實並非如此)。
  • 他曾經聲稱,由於雙線性配對屬性,Satoshi選擇了secp256k1曲線,但是Satoshi曾經說過「我沒有找到任何推薦曲線類型的東西,所以我只選了一個。」
  • 在接受GQ採訪時,賴特聲稱,「我沒有動過(任何比特幣)。我已將它們發送給Hal Finney和Zooko,就是這樣。完全停止。」但在2009年,中本聰向開發人員Mike Hearn發送了82.51 BTC。
  • 到目前為止,他未能提供簡單的加密貨幣證據,證明他在承諾這樣做之後控制屬於Satoshi的密鑰。
  • 他提供的加密貨幣「證據」已經被眾多專家廣泛揭穿,包括Patrick McKenzie,Dan Kaminsky和Robert Graham。








在「The Satoshi Affair」(倫敦書評)中,作家Andrew O'Hagan描述了2016年5月4日發生的以下事件:「新的(和最終的)證明會議旨在消除疑慮,」當賴特應該向安德森和BBC記者發送比特幣交易時:



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2016年,Wright撰寫了一篇關於如何驗證加密貨幣簽名的冗長博客文章,其中他粘貼了簽名而未指定其驗證的消息。沒過多久,專家們就確定有問題的簽名來自比特幣交易,而不是簽署一些Jean-Paul Sartre的簽名。

GitHub的撰稿人Patrick McKenzie總結了這篇文章:


安全研究員和博客Dan Kaminsky解釋了為什麼他認為Wright提供的簽名可能是欺詐性的:

「賴特假裝他在薩特的寫作中有Satoshi的簽名。這意味著他有私鑰,很可能是Satoshi。他實際擁有的是Satoshi在部分公共區塊鏈上的簽名,這當然意味著他不需要私鑰而且他不需要是Satoshi。他只需要讓你認為Satoshi在Blockchain之外簽了別的東西 – 比如Sartre。他沒有發表薩特。他發表了一份文件的14%。然後他會向您顯示一個哈希,它應該總結整個文檔。這是個謊言。這是從區塊鏈本身提取的哈希。「

編劇喬丹·皮爾森和Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai在一篇名為「Craig Wright的新證據,他是中本聰是沒用的」主題文章中表示贊同,他說「賴特只是重用了2009年由Satoshi執行的比特幣交易中的舊簽名。」



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此外,Reddit上的一個偵探聲稱,根據註冊信息,Wright給Kleiman的一封電子郵件中顯示的域名 – 賴特是Satoshi的一個關鍵「證據」 – 直到2009年1月23日才被Wright收購:10個月在電子郵件上的日期之後。

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更多Debunked Cryptographic簽名

2018年11月3日,有人在StackExchange上詢問有關計算Satoshi在第170塊將BTC送到Hal Finney的交易簽名的問題。不到兩周後,Bitcoin Cash在ABC和Satoshi Vision客戶之間進行了爭議後者由賴特和nChain支持。

在分叉後的24小時內,Twitter @satoshi帳戶已經發布了幾個月的Satoshi報價和白皮書摘錄,開始發布不同尋常的推文,聽起來很像他們來自Wright。其中一條推文(後來被刪除)是簽名的計算,但比特幣開發人員很快解釋了為什麼它是欺詐性的:

正如比特幣開發人員Pieter Wuille所指出的那樣,「消息不是哈希並由'簽名者'選擇的ECDSA簽名是不安全的。」這次簽名者剛剛發布了「hash」,r,s元組。 ECDSA的哈希部分是演算法的組成部分。如果驗證程序本身未運行哈希,則安全性屬性不會成立。

Jimmy Song寫了一篇詳細的文章,解釋了包括Wright在內的任何人創造一些毫無價值但可信的簽名會有多麼容易。實際上,已經發布了一個工具,使任何人都可以輕鬆地以這種方式創建簽名。






雖然沒有與賴特聲稱他是Satoshi的證據直接相關,但是對Wright與計算機取證專家Dave Kleiman(他也被傳言是Satoshi背後真實的程序員)的互動的審查提供了一些他對整體可信度和與之關係的見解。真相。


在2018年2月27日的一篇真實的WizSec博客文章中,Kim Nilsson證明了其中許多地址可以歸結為其他人並歸因於其他人。作者僅認定為「MtGox用戶」的一個這樣的地址(16cou7Ht6WjTzuFyDBnht9hmvXytg6XdVT)可能屬於Roger Ver,並且在Roger的比特幣政府網站上用於「投票」以支持各種陳述。事實上,WizSec博客文章的原始版本將其歸為Ver,然後才更改為只說「MtGox用戶」.Ver已被質疑此地址,但據我所知,他從未否認過它屬於他。

Wright vs Satoshi睡眠/活動時間表

通過檢查Wright在2009年和2010年期間發布的100多篇博客文章中的公共時間戳,並將它們與Satoshi在同一時期發送的電子郵件,論壇帖子和代碼提交的800多個公共時間戳進行比較,我們可以獲得一些關於每個人的睡眠模式。很明顯,Wright從13:00到18:00 UTC一直處於非活動狀態,而Satoshi從7:00到12:00不活動。因此,Wright似乎保持與居住在AEST時區(澳大利亞)的人一致的睡眠時間表,而Satoshi保持與EST時區(北美東海岸和南美西海岸的一部分)一致的睡眠時間表。雖然Wright可能會為每個身份精心維護兩個不同的時間表,但Occam的Razor認為不同模式的原因可能是因為它們屬於不同的人。






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他還曾聲稱擁有56K數據機的用戶可以在9.5分鐘內下載32 MB。它實際上需要80分鐘,這表明Wright錯誤地將每秒位數與每秒位元組數混淆。

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科學和數學課的時間一條人類DNA由大約200億個Atom組成。 DNA僅由五種元素組成:碳,氫,氧,氮和磷。因此,如果我們可以構建一個五元存儲系統,那麼一條DNA鏈可以存儲多達1萬億比特(~125 GB)的數據。目前估計整個互聯網的數量為5到10個zettabytes,所以這個聲明已經至少減少了十個數量級。


同時,大多數計算機科學家會告訴您整數溢出會導致數據丟失和意外的應用程序行為 – 應該避免應用程序的可靠性和安全性。

Wright還聲稱secp256k1可用於雙線性配對。這一說法遭到了Andrew Poelstra(Blockstream的密碼學家)和Vitalik Buterin(以太坊的創造者)的反駁。

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他沒有證明任何這樣的事情。相反,他聲稱Bitmain可能擁有刻錄地址的私鑰。當然,這是一個不可能的主張,並且數學是無可辯駁的 – 它將需要大約2的計算來強制私鑰,並且在任何合理的時間範圍內,世界上沒有足夠的計算能力來做到這一點。 。

賴特的許多出版作品都經過了嚴格的審查。 Peter R. Rizun分析了賴特寫的關於自私挖礦的一篇論文,並確定它包含大量錯誤和不明確的假設:


同樣,Paul Sztorc回顧了Wright寫的一篇關於隔離證人功能的文章,題為「隔離證人中的規模幻覺」,並發現它充滿了錯誤和荒謬的主張。

「最大的問題是交易所方程式(PY = MV),CSW向後解釋。他最初正確地使用'P'作為'價格水平'(即BTC /東西),但隨後他將其切換為'貨幣價格'(這將是東西/ BTC)。所以…它倒退了。換句話說,關於速度的一切都與他說的相反。「


鑒於手頭的證據,Nik Cubrilovic發布了一個有意義的解釋。他的帖子已被刪除,但存檔版本可以在這裡查看。

Cubrilovic說,在他作為Satoshi「出遊」之前,賴特曾參與針對澳大利亞政府的退稅計劃。 Wright在多個不同的法律實體下經營:Hotwire,DeMorgan,CloudCroft,Panopticrypt,Coin-Ex,Denariuz,Tulip Trading,Craig Wright R&D,Permanent Success Limited,信息防禦,Integyrs,全球網路安全研究所以及其他幾十家公司如本法院成績單第53頁所述,2014年Hotwire管理員報告。該報告詳述了三個相關要點:







– 2900萬美元從Wright Family Trust('the Trust')購買軟體;和

– 100萬美元用於資助日常交易活動。「


Wright將向該公司注入3000萬美元的比特幣資金,其中2900萬美元將支付給Wright信託收購該軟體,其中100萬美元將用於支付運營成本 – 包括悉尼辦事處和40名員工。




另一家萊特實體DeMorgan在澳大利亞發起了有史以來規模最大的研發稅務特許權索賠 – 根據其自己的新聞稿。但是,我無法找到任何證據支持這一說法。



「解釋Hotwire明顯破產的接收文件表明,由於Mount Gox的崩盤,Wright正在聲稱損失。」這引用了2014年Mt.崩盤事件。 Gox比特幣交易所顯示,賴特一直試圖向當局解釋他的比特幣損失一段時間。「

為什麼賴特說他是聰士? Cubrilovic認為Wright只是簡單地製作了一個過於複雜而無法放鬆的謊言網,所以現在他必須繼續進一步。





「在襲擊Craig Wright的房子前幾周,當他的名字仍然沒有公開與中本聰有關時,我收到了來自公司Davis Wright Tremaine的洛杉磯律師Jimmy Nguyen的電子郵件(自我描述)作為「娛樂,科技,廣告,體育和其他行業公司的一站式商店」。 Nguyen告訴我,他們打算與我簽約,寫下中本聰的生活。 「我的客戶已經獲得了生活故事權利……來自化名中本聰背後的真人 – 比特幣協議的創造者,」律師寫道。 「這個故事將引起公眾的極大興趣,我們預計,一旦Satoshi的真實身份被揭露,這本書項目將產生重要的宣傳和媒體報道。」

我發現這個片段特別有趣,因為Jimmy Nguyen是一位專註於娛樂和知識產權的律師,後來成為nChain(一家科技公司)的首席執行官,而之前的首席執行官Stefan Matthews成為董事會主席。總部位於加拿大的轉賬公司nTrust的創始人兼首席執行官羅伯特麥格雷戈(Robert MacGregor)認為,nChain的計劃不是建立技術,而是通過出售知識產權來實現巨大退出。

據O'Hagan在「The Satoshi Affair」中稱,Wright據稱被支付了大筆資金以「出來」作為Satoshi:


「這是對的,」馬修斯今年二月說。 「當我們簽署協議時,給了萊特的律師150萬美元。但我的主要工作是與新律師建立合作關係……並將Wright的知識產權轉讓給nCrpt' – 新成立的nTrust子公司。該交易有以下幾個部分:清除阻礙賴特業務重新站起來的未償還債務,並與新律師合作,就轉讓任何非公司知識產權達成協議,並與之合作律師們獲得克雷格的故事權利。從那時起,'Satoshi啟示'將成為交易的一部分。 「這是商業化計劃的基石,」馬修斯說,「大約有一千萬人陷入澳大利亞的債務並在倫敦建立起來。」

「nCrypt背後的男人總是很清楚這個計劃。他們將把賴特帶到倫敦並為他建立一個研發中心,約有三十名員工在他的指導下工作。他們將完成他的發明和專利申請的工作 – 他似乎有數百個 – 並且整個批次將作為中本聰的作品出售,他將作為項目的一部分被揭露。一旦打包,Matthews和MacGregor計劃以超過10億美元的價格出售知識產權。麥克格雷戈後來告訴我,他正在與谷歌和優步,以及一些瑞士銀行進行對話。馬修斯告訴我,「計劃是把它打包並出售。」 「該計劃從未實施過。」

但誰是神秘的恩人資助所有這些活動?有跡象表明,一位名叫Calvin Ayre的人是加拿大億萬富翁,最著名的就是建立在線博彩公司Bodog。再一次,根據「The Satoshi Affair」:

「Calvin Ayre是團隊經常黯淡的話題之一。當我第一次見到賴特時,他稱他為「安提瓜的男人」。麥格雷戈在我們早期的會議中從未提及過他。當我後來告訴他拉莫納在安提瓜島提到一個大個子時,他說他不介意談論他,但他沒有再提起他的名字。當今年2月,他們帶著賴特去安提瓜進行鼓舞人心的談話時,我給馬修斯發了電子郵件,詢問我是否也可以來,他沒有回復。 Wright,在一個低潮時刻,後來問我是否告訴MacGregor他們是那些讓貓從袋子里走出來的人。我說那不是他們:馬修斯首次提到艾爾的名字。當我和馬修斯一起出去吃飯時安提瓜會議正在安排,他自由地提到了艾爾,沒有要求它沒有記錄。 MacGregor從未詳細介紹艾爾的參與情況,但兩人經常訪問安提瓜讓我對這種聯繫的程度感到疑惑。像往常一樣明顯的馬修斯總是談到艾爾,好像他是整個事件的首飾,儘管我沒有其他證據表明艾爾只不過是一個感興趣的觀察者。有趣的是,nCrypt的唯一股東(一股價值一英鎊)是在安提瓜註冊的nCrypt Holdings。「

根據2017年路透社的文章,nChain Holdings被出售給位於馬爾他的High Tech Private Equity Fund SICAV plc。然而,該新聞稿中列出的該基金的網站已不復存在。


nChain的陳述可能意味著幾件事 – 也許兩個人都沒有直接擁有股份,但他們間接通過一系列其他法律實體。 (查看下面提供的K線走勢圖,了解更大的圖片。)

這也可能意味著,如果賴特有任何利益,他已經「售罄」,現在只是試圖完成出售知識產權的總體規劃 – 或者另一種理論是,他只是試圖耗盡時間,讓它看起來就像他正試圖這樣做。




Elmo Keep在Splinter發表的一篇文章總結了O'Hagan的「The Satoshi Affair」:



另一種理論是Stefan Matthews是前面提到的安排的關鍵,他將Calvin Ayre帶入了這個特定的計劃。

根據O'Hagan的說法,Matthews是Wright已經認識10年的澳大利亞IT專家,因為他們都曾在在線博彩網站Centrebet工作過。馬修斯後來去為Bodog工作。 Matthews was also a director for Wright』s company DeMorgan, so they likely remained in close contact. In 「The Satoshi Affair,」 Matthews is quoted as saying:

「I get what I get paid by Calvin (Ayre). Calvin is the only allegiance I have, then and now.」

If you look into Ayre』s background, he has been building an 「offshore」 gambling empire that takes advantage of jurisdictional arbitrage in order to offer services that, when combined, are arguably illegal in some countries. By spreading around his operations, he has been able to not only maintain them in such an adversarial environment but to grow them into a huge operation. He』s a shrewd businessman who is well versed in exploiting legal loopholes. As Ayre once described his operations in a Forbes interview:

「We run a business that can』t actually be described as gambling in each country we operate in. But when you add it all together, it』s Internet gambling.」

Court records show that Ayre』s not without his own problems though, as he was a fugitive from the IRS and other U.S. authorities due to money laundering charges filed in 2012. During the five years he'd spent on the run, U.S. authorities seized over $68 million in assets from him but eventually allowed him to plead to a misdemeanor charge in return for dropping all of the felony charges.

In my opinion, Ayre is in a situation where a censorship-resistant and unseizable cryptocurrency is highly desirable. Even when he first began operating in the 1990s, his gambling site was one of the few that didn』t use third parties like Western Union to transfer money — it sent checks directly to users. If I was Ayre, I』d want all of my gambling sites to use cryptocurrency and I』d want to store a significant portion of my wealth in cryptocurrency.

Why would Ayre choose to go the Bitcoin Cash (and later Bitcoin Satoshi Vision) route rather than just using the already well-established Bitcoin network? Was he convinced that BSV was better suited for gambling, or that he』d be better positioned to influence BSV』s development? Or was it that Ayre was already incredibly invested in Wright』s success and was ambivalent about the technical details? Or could Ayre』s mining operations simply have been a useful way for him to launder money? Freshly minted coins are pretty much impossible to tie to illegal activity. Electricity goes in and untainted money comes out.

Economically rational SHA256 miners should mine the most profitable network since switching costs are fairly low. We can observe from the above charts that BSV miners appear to not be economically rational – they are leaving money on the table, so to speak. While BCH miners appear to drop off the BCH network (and probably switch to mining BTC) when it becomes more profitable to do so, BSV miners have been consistently mining at a loss, in comparison to if they were mining BTC instead. This begs the question: Are BSV miners actually irrational or is there another factor at play that makes it rational for them to pass over an opportunity for greater profits? One plausible explanation is that as of April 26 2019, over 80 percent of the BSV hashrate is controlled by 2 pools: CoinGeek (owned by Ayre) and BMG Pool (owned by nChain) and that they are mining suboptimally in order to keep up appearances of strength. This reasoning makes sense given that BSV is built upon an ideology driven by Nakamoto Consensus: 「He who controls the hashrate controls the network.」

Screenshot from 2019-04-24 16-23-03.png

In the chart below, an internet sleuth on Reddit theorized about a possible web of relationships.

Lopp FIGURE_53.pngPatents

Wright has been prolific in his efforts to file patents for other blockchain- and computer-science-related work. These patents would be much more interesting to potential investors if filed by the man behind Satoshi, possibly serving as motivation for Wright』s claims.

Wright has been filing patents for a few years under EITC Holdings, nChain Holdings, NCIP Holding and nTrust. Filings of his have been found at the Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom, European Patent Office, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and Taiwan Intellectual Property Office. A (now-deleted) site called bitcoinpatentreport.com detailed some of the activity.

At the time of this writing, a total of 264 patents by Wright』s companies have been published by the British patent office, while the European patent office shows 167 applications for nChain. PatentScope sees 296 applications, while Google Patents shows a total of 363.

On March 7, 2019, nChain CEO Jimmy Nguyen wrote that nChain had filed its 666th patent application. Note that filings are generally published with a time lag of up to 18 months, so we』ll have to wait another year to know for sure.

Lopp Figure_35.png

Source: https://archive.fo/vrhBm

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Source: https://archive.fo/PPER9

These tweets with specific claims of patent applications filed are interesting because they conflict with the number claimed by nChain』s CEO in March of 2019. Wright claims 700 patents filed as of June 2018 and 1,000 filed as of December 2018, while Nguyen claims 666 as of March 2019.

While nChain may not be filing as many applications as Wright claims, it certainly is filing a lot. But filing applications is not the same as having patents granted.

From a cursory review of some of the applications, it appears that patent examiners are finding prior art for many of nChain』s claimed novel inventions; you can see some of the patent examiner opinions here.

Take, for example, Wright』s patent application for a threshold signature scheme. The patent examiner determined that 31 of the 34 claims of novelty were, in fact, not novel. Or this patent application for UTXO time locks, for which the patent examiner determined 14 of the 17 claims were not novel.

In February 2017, Wright submitted a patent titled 「Agent-based Turing Complete Transactions integrating feedback within a區塊鏈 System,」 basically trying to patent any computer program that uses a blockchain as its data store. In a Medium post dated September 4, 2018, Jonathan Toomim completed an in-depth analysis of Wright』s proposal and demonstrated ways in which P2Pool, Ethereum and Counterparty could be considered prior art.

Evasion of Criticism

On June 30, 2018, Wright blocked me on Twitter and made this post.

Lopp FIGURE_40.png

Source: https://archive.fo/D4zrc

I found this to be a bit odd because I had muted him many months before and stopped interacting with him after I challenged one of his technical claims about the node network graph of Bitcoin Cash. Instead of answering my straightforward question, he countered with a bombardment of questions of his own that did not appear particularly relevant.

Lopp FIGURE_41.png

In the following weeks and months he continued blocking quite a few people, even those who supported Bitcoin Cash, perhaps in anticipation of nChain planning to push a contentious hard fork for Bitcoin SV.

Lopp FIGURE_43.pngLopp FIGURE_45.pngApparent Misrepresentation of Academic Credentials

Among Wright』s lengthy list of claimed accomplishments, there are quite a few academic achievements, including PhDs that he has used as the basis for his title of 「Dr.」

In 2017, he pulled a stunt at a Bitcoin Meetup in Zurich, where he brought a 「wheelbarrow of degrees」 on stage. Photos of these degrees and certificates were subsequently published on nChain』s website.

As we can see from this list, Wright』s only PhD appears to have been completed in April 2017 at Charles Sturt University (often ranked around number 30 in Australia and number 800 globally), which is where most of his degrees appear to have come from.

Wright』s now-deleted LinkedIn profile also claimed a 「PhD, Computer Science 2009–2012」 from Charles Sturt University, but the school put these claims in question with a media release:

That PhD in computer science is not listed among his degrees. Nor is the Masters in Systems Development that he has claimed. Neither is listed on CSU』s alumni education verification site either.

That same LinkedIn profile claimed that he』d earned a 「Doctor of Theology, Comparitive Religous (sic) and Classical Studies 1998–2003」 from 「Guess」 — he later stated that his theology studies were through SOAS (University of London』s School of Oriental and African Studies).

Lopp Figure_15.png

Source: https://twitter.com/ProfFaustus/status/1083339312219996160

However, it seems clear from my research that he has never published anything (such as a PhD thesis) through SOAS as its research archives hold nothing with his name on it.

Nevertheless, in 2015, Wright remotely participated in a Bitcoin conference and claimed he had 「a couple doctorates.」 It』s quite clear that Wright had given himself the title of 「Dr.」 and used it for several years before rightfully earning it.

This media statement issued by CSU further clarified that, despite Wright stating he was a lecturer and researcher at the university, 「(b)etween May 2011 and May 2014 Mr. Wright was an adjunct academic at CSU. Adjunct academics undertake unpaid academic work and are not formally employed by the University.」

I have been unable to verify Wright』s LinkedIn claim that he earned a 「Master of Science (MSc), Finance (Quantitative Finance)」 in 2015–2017 through the University of London (presumably through SOAS again). A Mashable request for academic records appears to have been unfulfilled. I sent my own request and SOAS replied that I needed written consent from the individual in order to have the information released. This seems like a flaw to me; you』d think that academic institutions would want to help students accredit their academic credentials.

Military Service

Wright has referred to his time in the military on several occasions. I have looked into the record of his service and the tasks he allegedly performed at that time in order to confirm his claims.

The earliest record that I』ve been able to find of Wright referencing his military service in the cypherpunk community dates back to 1996, when Wright added a post to the cypherpunks mailing list:

「The few months I was unemployed after I left the military because of a confict (sic) of interests I earned money by doing whatever I could get.」

In 2008, Wright made a reference to this time in his life on a public mailing list:

「In 1989 I started a B.Eng/BSci double degree. I dropped out of the University of Queensland in 1992 (after my 3rd year). I have a reason for this. I had cancer. I though (sic) that it was better to go back to my studies after I knew I would live. Sorry, but we all have priorities.」

Years later, according to 「The Satoshi Affair,」 Wright said of his time in the military:

「『They locked me in a bunker … and I worked on a bombing system. Smart bombs. We needed fast code, and I did that.』」

I found Wright』s claims about his military service intriguing, mainly because military service creates a lot of public records. So I strolled on over to the National Archives of Australia to see what information it would release to me. It took several months of painful bureaucratic back and forth, but I managed to retrieve 82 out of the 177 pages of documents on file for Wright. They are available here.

What do Wright』s public military records show?

  • He was in the Australian Air Force Cadets at age 15 in 1986.
  • He applied to the Australian Defence Force Academy to train as a pilot in 1987 but was rejected. Oddly enough, the psychologist』s report filed with this application is blank. It is possible that the completed one was withheld.
  • He was a student at the University of Queensland from 1988 to 1989.
  • He applied to the Royal Australian Air Force in 1989 and was accepted to a nine-year officer program with a sponsorship to the RAAF undergraduate program to study electrical engineering. The sponsorship offer noted that 「should you fail to progress academically for whatever reason … you may be required to apply to repeat the year at your own expense.」
  • He started his first semester in 1990 as an Officer Cadet.
  • He passed one class, 「Law of War,」 in the first semester.
  • Oddly enough, there is no mention of any engineering or math classes, but perhaps these records were withheld.
  • A (hard to read) handwritten letter released by the archives appears to state that 「Officer Cadets Bone and Wright were asked to show cause why they should be provided with continued RAAF sponsorship as they had failed semester 1/90.」
  • Wright did send a letter regarding his undergraduate sponsorship standing later that year, but it was withheld by the archives.
  • He went on SLWOP (special leave without pay) on March 15, 1990.
  • He was discharged October 19, 1990, for 「Reason 4.」 (I』ve not been able to verify what 「Reason 4」 means.)

It』s interesting, to say the least, that this man who claims to be a lifelong academic with more than a dozen degrees appears to have failed out of his first semester in the RAAF, according to these public records.

Is it likely that he was given the responsibility to write code for bomb guidance systems as a first-semester cadet? Did he leave the military due to a 「conflict of interest」? Records show he was at the RAAF in 1990, so what about his claim that he was studying at the University of Queensland from 1989 to 1992?

What Now?

Wright』s threats through his London-based lawyer against multiple posters may or may not wind their way through the court process. The lawsuit against Wright in federal court in Miami will continue; in fact, Wright recently was scheduled to sit for testimony in London, so we will be interested in learning more about that.

I, personally, am highly doubtful of many of Wright』s claims. He』s had four years to come forward with proof that he is Satoshi, and I, for one, am not satisfied.

On the bright side, it would appear that Wright has painted himself into a corner. He is now the figurehead of a fork of a fork of Bitcoin, operating in a tiny echo chamber that will be incredibly difficult to grow. In fact, it appears that there is a growing movement among exchanges to delist the BSV asset. It will be interesting to see how Craig & Co. make their exit — will it be with a bang or a whimper?

Wright thrives on attention, and the unfortunate result of this post is that it is a catch-22 — it will bring him more attention, at least temporarily. I believe we』ll all be better off if we let this chapter of Bitcoin come to a close.

Additional Sources

Numerous sources have been reviewed in connection with this op ed, and many are linked throughout. Below are links to further extended posts and compilations.

Andreas Brekken』s 「Cult of Craig」 compilation, now maintained at https://craigwright.online/ and https://www.stopcraigwright.com/

Bitcoin Wiki』s entry on Craig Wright

/u/Contrarian__』s plethora of Reddit posts

Jonald Fyookball』s compilation of Wright』s history

Nik Cubrilovic』s analysis of Hotwire

This is an op ed by Jameson Lopp. Opinions expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of Bitcoin Magazine or BTC Inc.
