Tagomi聯合創始人Marc Bhargava和首席運營官Kevin Johnson的機構貨幣和加密貨幣現狀

The Scoop的第二季第2集由Frank Chaparro,Ryan Todd,Tagomi聯合創始人Marc Bhargava和首席運營官Kevin Johnson錄製。在下面收聽,然後在Apple,Spotify,Google Play,Stitcher或任何收聽播客的地方訂閱The Scoop。通過電子郵件將反饋和修訂請求發送到podcast@theblockcrypto.com。

當Tagomi在2018年退出隱形模式時,對加密貨幣主要經紀人的需求是數字資產世界中的一個普遍話題。權威人士說,一個坐在刺痛的市場和投資者之間的獨立經紀人將幫助吸引更大的資產管理者使用比特幣。的確,兩年後,即使Tagomi也對市場上缺乏資產管理者感到失望,他們對最佳執行力的關注儘管很重要,但不再是核心。儘管如此,即使該公司關於加密貨幣主要經紀人的概念發生了變化,但它仍看到了其他機會。在Scoop的這一中心化,Marc Bhargava和首席運營官Kevin Johnson以及The Block的Frank Chaparro和Ryan Todd共同探索:

  • 自公司成立以來,加密貨幣主要經紀人的概念已發生了怎樣的變化
  • 當資產管理者的機構浪潮瓦解時,公司如何適應
  • Tagomi如何為進入市場的傳統技術公司提供服務,例如Facebook Libra和Robinhood
  • 為什麼公司看好Libra
  • 為什麼公司對服務於較小的零售客戶不感興趣


弗蘭克女士和先生們,感謝您加入我的獨家報道。我是你的主人弗蘭克·夏帕羅。我令人愉快的同事瑞安·托德(Ryan Todd)又加入了我的行列。瑞安,我們有一個非常有趣的情節。這是第二輪引入Tagomi的人們探索他們正在做的事情。當我們在舊辦公室里時,我們在暖氣方面遇到了一些問題,在關門時遇到了一些問題,這可能是最好的,因為他們還有很多話要說。他們長大了一點。自從他們在我們的舊辦公室停下來以來,已經快六個月了,超過了六個月。他們以幫助少數大型交易者,更成熟,更老練的交易者訪問各種交易所和OTC平台的不同流動性礦池的少數幾家類似經紀人的公司之一而聞名。這很有趣,因為在他們處於隱身模式並試圖籌集資金的同時,我還是《商業內幕》的記者,當時我的許多消息來源-也許他們知道你們正在滲透,所以可以這麼說-他們是在告訴我,當時市場迫切需要的是,將機構資金從場外帶走的是主要經紀人類型的實體。現在我們到了2020年,仍然有很多錢待在場外,以至於我們經常在這裡想想它是否會滴入這個市場。因此,我們今天要探討的問題是,機構貨幣和加密的狀況如何?您會從行業中聽到相同的信息。這都是關於高凈值個人的。大型銀行確實還沒有打算加入。今日的FA,我們從Bitwise進行了一項調查,結果顯示,他們所調查的財務顧問中只有6%分配了資金給該領域。因此,我們將進行探索。我們將探討阻止這些公司成立的原因,因為我知道您已經與他們進行了交談,並且我知道您參與了此類公司的長期盡職調查程序。因此,讓我們開始吧。好吧,首先,讓我們介紹一下我們擁有的兩個非常特別的人:該公司的首席運營官凱文·約翰遜(Kevin Johnson),以及我們的聯合創始人之一,三個聯合創始人之一Marc Bhargava。所以,先生們,讓我們從那裡開始。如果您願意的話,讓我們研究一下客戶概況,因為我知道我們已經進入了一些零售業,我們稱它們為消費者,生產型客戶,但我認為麵包和黃油仍然是那些加密貨幣對沖基金。五十,一億美元的管理。自2018年以來,它有任何變化嗎?引導我們完成它。


弗蘭克(Frank)這是一個終點,而您通常將其描述為一個端到端的解決方案。但是,當我回想起2018年的那一天時,我聽說有一位經紀人的願望,我想到的那些公司馬上就會想要這種服務,而且在我們打開麥克風之前,我們在談論在布里奇沃特(Bridgewater)等地進行的採訪,但這些公司類型。有趣的是,不久前,我和您的一位首席執行官Greg Tusar一起在康涅狄格州格林威治舉行的一次活動中,高資產凈值和機構投資者。而且這不是一個以加密貨幣為母語的會議,所以很多人都以10英尺高的杆子接近這個空間。為什麼-令我驚訝的是-至少令我感到驚訝的是-與您合作的大多數公司都是這些加密貨幣本國的公司,並且您已經能夠從市場那邊。

Marc隨著產品的變化,它正在慢慢變化。因此,當我們引入保證金,空頭,借貸以及現金和硬幣的借貸交易時,突然會有一批新客戶出現。因此,這些量化基金基本上不是加密貨幣專家。他們中的一些人甚至不相信它,但他們確實認為他們可以採用舊策略並立即應用它們,並對該空間中的各種資產進行多空交易。因此,就意外而言,我認為我們確實是在2017年底提出了這個想法,在2018年初創立了公司,在2019年上半年成立了,誠然,令人失望的群體肯定是家族辦公室和大型企業。資產經理。而且我認為其中很多是為了進行炒作,但為了公平起見,他們中的很多人都在尋找真實的用例,而沒有找到那麼多。變得更加活躍的團體更多地是加密貨幣基金,這是家族辦公室傾向於投資的地方,然後加密貨幣基金則將其投資某種形式。因此,間接地說,我想我們仍然會從這類家族辦公室機構資本中獲得很大一部分,但這是通過加密貨幣基金來實現的。這有點令人驚訝。然後,除此之外,現在進入該領域的定量基金和對沖基金。令格雷格·圖薩爾(Greg Tusar)這樣的人掌舵,這是非常令人興奮的,您知道他們在交易方面幫助高盛運營了13年。曾在Two Sigma,Citadel和其他公司任職的Kevin在某種程度上幫助了這些宏觀和定量基金進入了該領域。不過,也有一些驚喜。因此,好的一面是大型科技公司的驚喜。在2017年,您知道我是在15、16、17天使投資這個領域。在2017年,如果您告訴我,Facebook,Square,SoFi,您知道,中國政府都在使用加密貨幣,我會就像「哇,比特幣大概是10萬,對,如果其中有名字的話。」當時我以為是高盛,也許其中一些銀行和資產管理公司就知道了。但這最終成為真正的大型機構-高盛市值是Facebook的7倍,是高盛市值的7倍-2020年出現的這些真正的大型機構實際上實際上是科技機構或政府機構。因此,我們顯然可以進一步討論這對我們的產品意味著什麼,這是如何改變戰略的-

弗蘭克·耶(Frank Yeah),這很有趣。因此,它並沒有真正站起來。乍一看,這種聯繫真的沒有太大意義,對吧?除了更多的客戶認為這是該領域的有利因素之外,Facebook如何構建像Libra這樣的東西可以為Tagomi帶來更多業務。但是我看不到直接的鏈接-是否有直接的鏈接?



馬克任何擁有代幣的人都是我們可以擴展的東西,如果他們想創造更多,贖回更多,如果他們想借出儲備中的任何一部分的話。因此,總的來說,對於希望將比特幣突然集成到其平台上的任何人來說,我們看到了巨大的機會。而且,您知道,您會看到很多科技公司開始談論並制定步驟,或者任何想要擁有自己的獨立代幣的人,他們也可以將我們用於資金管理。因此,您知道,在2020年,除了非常快速增長的一群定量基金和對沖基金說:「看,我們,我們肯定會繼續關注這類機構級技術。 「沒有涉及任何這些東西的協議盡職調查,但我們注意到模式,我們注意到樹樁或差異,我們想利用這一點。」突然之間,塔吉米(Tagomi)最初以最佳執行力開始,幫助他們以微薄的優勢做到這一點,幫助他們做空,您知道,我們近兩年來已經與許多顯然知道這一點的人一起開發了許多不同的工具客戶群真的很貼心。



瑞安·尤(Ryan You)提到了這些進入太空的大型科技公司,Square非常著名。他們實際上允許您現在提取比特幣存款。是否有機會幫助他們從該後端獲取流動性?我僅以它們為例,但是還有其他公司。











凱文·耶(Kevin Yeah),我們已經獲得了充分的許可。我們有一個MSB,我們有MTL。我們能夠代表他們持有客戶資金。第三件事是融資方面,對嗎?提供槓桿和融資能力以進行那些機構性邊交易。那是主要的經紀業務。現在,您可以通過不同的方式進行操作。您可以作為委託人做到這一點,在您知道的情況下,您是與客戶進行交易的對手,這是一項很棒的服務,可以在您的資產流動性不足或難以採購或可能是您知道的情況下提供在許多電子交易所都沒有交易。但是,我們在其他資產類別中看到的是,大多數情況已轉變為一種模型,在這種模型中,您的經紀人實際上是代表您充當代理,在您可以找到的所有不同流動性來源中為您找到最佳價格。這樣做的目的是在客戶和經紀人之間建立一致,以便客戶可以信任經紀人以代表他們獲得最佳價格,對他們的做法和付款方式保持透明,這提供了很多對那個客戶的巨大激勵。這意味著他們可以與投資者保持透明,或者與誰成為受託人,或者如果他們有零售客戶,他們可以去找他們說:「嘿,您知道,我們正在為您做正確的事,以獲得最佳執行力。」我們在其他資產類別中所看到的,尤其是零售經紀業,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)制定了許多規則和法律,圍繞美國證券交易或電子交易如何透明化這一問題展開。他們如何處理訂單流付款等事情。因此,我們希望任何市場,甚至隨著其成長的加密貨幣市場,都將遵循相同的標準。我們可以為客戶提供這種透明度。

弗蘭克(Frank)你們已經在某種意義上轉向了新服務,或者將更多的注意力放在了國庫管理等服務上,或者試圖吸引大型科技公司為他們提供市場准入權-世界的Square和Robin Hoods-如何定義您認為主要經紀人,代理經紀人的身份發生了變化?

馬克是的。所以在2017年,實際上是我的聯合創始人詹妮弗(Jennifer)六個月以來,她是Union Square Ventures,我正在與Brainchild的另一個人一起投資,我們在2017年花了六個月以上的時間來尋找這筆交易。究其原因,是這種委託人與代理人的區別。因此,在2017年,當您擁有第一個亞穩態和多鏈以及更大的資金投​​放市場時,由於其在安德森(Andreesen)或美國海軍(USV)的回報或類似的資金,您的某些家族辦公室開始翻倍,所以有人來了,他們是尋找像加密的經紀人。他們正在尋找一家代理商,並且有很多主要選擇。因此,在2017年,不乏可以在波士頓,紐約或芝加哥或舊金山致電的櫃檯交易櫃檯。還有一些相當大的做市商和其他一些做市商。因此,2017年絕對不缺少主要人員。但是我們注意到,華爾街的老手們在說:「不,您不能隨便加價然後寄給我。就像,我需要知道您從哪裡獲得的價格,價格,加價幅度,費用是多少?您是如何執行的?這將是最佳執行標準嗎?」然後我和詹恩坐在那裡,「哦,好吧,我們將嘗試找到一家可以為您完成所有工作的公司。而且,您知道,當我們找到該公司時,我們顯然也想投資該公司對於這些有限合伙人和這些資金,我們什麼也沒找到。」

弗蘭克(Frank)是那些唱片公司的彼得·泰爾(Peter Thiel)之一嗎?

是的,創始人基金小組的Marc So,是的。他們已經投資了一段時間。我認為,自2013年以來,它最終在《華爾街日報》上被打破。因此,他們也是具有這一想法的團體之一。因此,有些非常智能人了解交易和交易執行。首先,對我們來說,這看起來就像為什麼不去櫃檯櫃檯交易,為什麼不去做市商。但是所有這些人都在買賣本金,他們需要更多的代理選擇權。這就是我們當時與Polychain首席交易員Greg一起坐下來的原因。 Chase Lochmiller實際上曾經為Greg工作。現在,他擁有一家非常出色的成功礦業公司,名為Crusoe Energy。但是蔡斯說:「嘿,我知道你們正在尋找這個人。有一個人,格雷格(Greg),他賣了兩家公司。他經營高盛(Goldman)。他實際上編碼了將多個訂單發送到交易所的第一個實例。例如,這是完美的傢伙,可以幫助您弄清楚該支持誰。」因此,當我們與格雷格(Greg)坐下來,開始真正理解委託人和代理人之間的區別以及整個市場中沒有一個代理人選擇的時候,而在股票或外匯中,這可能是80%的電子交易,通過最佳執行,我們說:「這看起來確實很明顯。」因此,我們三個人團結了起來。但是,向來是成為主要經紀人的願景。具體來說,人們會問我們:「誰是加密的盈透經紀人?」您知道嗎,誰允許您提供所有這些不同的服務,例如放貸,做空,交易保證金?但是最好的執行實際上是最好的起點,因為最容易理解的情況是我想購買或我想出售比特幣。因此,這是最普遍的起點,並將其帶回這些科技公司中的一些,就像其中許多科技公司僅集成比特幣一樣,對嗎?沒有其他東西,沒有保證金交易,沒有做空。因此,最大的可定址市場是想做更大的比特幣訂單的人,這是我們非常了解的市場,因為他們有點向我們尋求幫助。這就是為什麼我們從最佳執行開始。這並不是真正的樞紐,它更多的是添加了這些不同的層以成為加密的互動經紀人,我們認為這是一家非常成功的公司。

弗蘭克(Frank)當您考慮到平台的最佳執行功能這一原始核心功能時,就像您所說的貓薄荷一樣,可以說,這會吸引一些旁觀者, Founders Fund或您正在與之交談的其他人,他們認為這是阻礙他們進入該領域的障礙。一旦建立了這種機制,您是否認為過度指數化對於獲得那些機構投資者,而不是加密貨幣對沖基金,而是那些坐在場旁的較大型資產管理者有多重要?

馬克,我認為很多都是市場。因此,當我們觀察到這些複雜的大型資產管理者需要最佳執行力時。因此,例如,其中許多要求具有ETF。您必須是授權參與者才能買賣ETF股票。因此,當我們坐在2017年時,我們正在考慮,好吧,當ETF上市時,他們將需要最佳執行力,我們當然希望ETF早日上市,然後他們就沒有了。這並不意味著像Bitwise或Crescent Crypto或我們的其他客戶這樣的人就不會欣賞它-許多人顯然正在努力成為ETF,我們相信應該成為ETF-但是,當然,行業的一部分還沒有我們想要的成熟,包括其中的一些資產管理器和ETF。我認為還有另一件我們尚未成熟的事情是,協議的一些可伸縮性,用例。因此,我認為有很多事情都可以期待,在2017年。但是,在該領域進行了一段時間的投資並經歷了多個周期之後,我還可以告訴您,有一些您料想不到的令人興奮的事情,而這在技術方面和國際方面都在進行。所以你必須要敏捷。歸根結底,我們處於一個敏捷的位置,因為我們從根本上來說只是一家技術公司。因此,我們可以混合併匹配這些不同的部分。也許ETF的最佳執行力不是需求,而是對於一家突然將比特幣放在其平台上的高科技公司或財富管理機構的最佳執行力-






瑞安我們實際上被問了很多。 Tagomi的競爭對手是誰?



凱文是的。因此,我認為我們將主要經紀服務,最佳執行,實際上擁有帶有許可證的真實經紀賬戶以及以代理為基礎提供融資的結合仍然非常獨特。還有其他人提供類似的服務,但我認為,如果您稍微研究一下,他們會以不同的方式進行操作-無論是從本質上還是沒有許可證,或者僅僅是流動性的一種來源- -所以我認為,如果您是機構投資者,則必須對您的重要事項,您的受託人要求您做什麼進行認真調查,然後確保您完全了解經紀人的運作方式。











因此,弗蘭克·蘇(Frank So)讓我們專註於進行較大交易的公司。您不需要告訴我您最大的客戶是誰,因為我已經知道了。不,我在開玩笑。我不知道。我沒有最微妙的想法。但是它們長什麼樣呢?您會考慮平台上最活躍的玩家。僅僅是像Pantera之類的更大的加密貨幣本國基金嗎?


瑞安(Ryan)在講台開始時提到了以加密貨幣為母語的公司和其他公司,目標市場是高頻,定量商店和這類受眾。我很好奇,因為我不在這個房間里,但是當您嘗試將這種類型的客戶加入這個空間並進行類似本周CME推出的活動之類的對話時,您會感到怎樣? ,讓空間更適合那種類型的客戶?



弗蘭克(Frank)而且這些周期花了很長時間,也就是那些盡職調查周期。 I remember I spoke with one exchange who talked about onboarding a rather large 20 billion dollar hedge fund. They ended up getting the account open after–it must have been six months, but to my knowledge, I don’t even know if that firm ever made a trade, right? And I’m sure you guys have experienced similar situations in which, you know, you have these incredibly long cycles of due diligence. What does that look like? And walk us through the anxieties that some of these firms have in sort of coming on board.

Kevin Yeah, I think it’s important to point out first that it can go quickly, right? So for firms that have all their stuff ready to go and the product is already a great fit for them, we can onboard a firm very quickly. And then what we focus on at that point is, you know, do they know how to use the product? Have we lined up all the right features for them? Have we made all the right customizations for them in the product? You know, we can do things like sub-portfolios and we can have multiple logins to the same portfolio, different levels of permissions. These are all features that frankly don’t exist in any other crypto platform or exchange out there in most cases. So we spend a lot more of our time then just making sure the product is customized for them. But for the ones that go through a longer process, it is often about learning more about our setup, our security, our licensing. You know, they have teams that do diligence all day, and so they ask a lot of great important questions, and we’ll do whatever it takes then to make sure they understand how we work and how we’ve covered all the bases to make sure we are compliant, we’re licensed, we have the security procedures in place to safely handle their money. So I think it’s important to note that it can be a long process, but it can go very quickly, and a lot of it is just focusing on customization.

Frank Outside of the robustness or the readiness of the firm and your platform, is there anything external to that that sometimes serves as the impediment, internal politics, for instance, at larger investors, or just, you know, we were talking to one of our sources at a financial firm that had a crypto initiative that literally went through everything and on the last signature sort of fell apart. Right. So that as an example, do you–is that just part of it or?

Marc Yeah, for sure. I think like firm ownership structure really matters. So you could have a massive hedge fund, but if it’s run by one or two people who really run it versus, you know, a publicly traded financial firm, they might be the same size, but obviously one has a couple decision makers. And in the cases where there is a couple decision makers, having an in is super helpful. And there are kind of two ways that we’ve seen that play out for us. One is many of them work with Greg and were clients of Goldman Sachs for over a decade, might have even worked with him at the firm before that that was acquired by Goldman. That’s how Greg got there. So we’ve had, you know, RIA’s and other very traditional folks. “This guy has helped me do trade execution for 20 years. Why is he suddenly buying and selling Bitcoin for people? Maybe I should buy some.” And you know, when we launched Bitcoin was 4000. So that whole class of folks is doing really great and we’re very, very excited for them and hope it goes higher.

Frank They’re taking Greg out for dinner and drinks?

Marc So that’s one group, another group. Another group, you’d be surprised to see that many of these folks invest in venture capital. So many of these hedge fund managers are LP’s in Founders Fund or they invest alongside Joe Lansdale or Elad Gill or some of our other angels who have made great introductions as well. So generally, like the two things that would make it go fastest is, one, there’s a limited set of decision-makers versus a committee and a board and all these other things. And then–and that exists for some pretty massive kind of financial platforms. And then the second is having some sort of relationship. And normally that comes through people on our team or investors. But then there are other ones where there’s a really long process, and it’s just tough. And honestly, they care a lot more about the price than they let on. So, you know, we went through like six, seven months diligence, you know, coming up to our launch. And then we were excited to work with folks. But, you know, we launched a Bitcoin 4000 stayed five to six for a while. And, you know, a lot of the working committees suddenly disappeared, and then they– the working committees–we knew it would take them nine months to a year, right? It wasn’t Greg’s first rodeo winning over some of these large clients. So we knew it was a nine-month to year process and sort of six months in all the committees disappeared because the price crashed. And, of course, they give you a totally different answer, right? Like, “Oh, we realized blockchain is not–Bitcoin is not scalable or whatever.” And we’re like, “No, you didn’t realize that. You saw the price crash, and no one wants to advocate for it because everyone’s up for a promotion.” So all the committees stopped. And then it was funny how they all kind of restarted like, you know, four or five months ago. Right. So when I think about, you know, price outlook–and obviously at Tagomi we do not give any price outlooks et cetera, et cetera–but I do think that, you know, a lot of the process has started back up when Bitcoin kind of came out of that trough. So for a lot of these institutional folks, they will do their usual six months, nine months, twelve month process. And a lot of those kicked off, you know, six months ago. So that’s just one group of investors.

Frank You just gotta cross your fingers for another three months!

Marc Yeah, but so much can happen there. So I think definitely, you know, it’s just a very different nuance flavor. So at Tagomi, we’re a team of only 22 people. We only have one person working on sales. We are technology- and product-focused. So for us, the client acquisition has been all referrals. It’s folks like Paradigm and Pantera and Multicoin and others publicly saying, “We looked at investing in pretty much every trading platform. We could use any trading platform. And we invested in Tagomi and we use Tagomi.” And people say, why? And, you know, we get the intro, we onboard them, we have them use the product, we service them really well. And so our growth has been just all organic. And I think, you know, that will have to change as we grow as a company. We’ll need to think about, like, we don’t have a blog, you know, we’ll have to do things like that, SEO optimization, marketing, etc. But right now, our focus is really just on can we have the best product, period, for all these different services and get there quickly. And, you know, we’re big believers in the industry and we’re excited about a lot of the more technical aspects that are going on there. And we ultimately think that is what will have to drive for this, not just necessarily that the perfect product is ready for institutionals.

Frank Part of driving that adoption and attracting those customers has been dropping your fee tier on the exchange side to zero, right? I’m sure there are some folks out there–and it’s been a question hanging over equities for a long time–who think, well, when fees are zero, then don’t I become the product, so to speak. And I don’t know if that’s a concern that you bring to you, but how are you approaching–

Marc So our fees are 10 basis points down to 5 basis points on trading. So it’s not zero. So we definitely have those all in–

Frank The exchange fees, though, were brought to zero. So any time an order is routed to an exchange, there is no fee for that. But obviously, for OTC you would then pay for that bit that’s routed there.

Marc Yeah. So out tiering is kind of 10 bips down to five, all in, doesn’t matter if it goes to exchange or OTC. That is very low. Look, it’s one of the lowest in the space to have that sort of liquidity. We route across both exchanges and market makers and we don’t make a lot of money off of trading. We use it, though, as the product to attract people to the higher-margin piece. So there were two reasons we decided to reduce our fees. One was we launched all these higher-margin products and we wanted to get more and more folks in the funnel to get them to those higher products, all the prime brokerage stuff. And then the second was our volumes were picking up, so we were becoming kind of the lowest tier on all these different exchanges. So also our cost of trading for us as Tagomi really went down and we wanted to pass that along to the customer. So those were the two reasons to have a very compelling, and what we think is really kind of best in class, fee structure on the trading side. And, you know, we’ll continue to grow the business on prime brokerage.

Frank Have the exchanges sort of picked up on that? Are they starting to get a little wary that they’re feeding the beast, so to speak, when in many respects you are taking the client away from them on the front end?

Kevin I think a lot of cases, you know, it’s–.

Frank Or they just don’t know.

Kevin Well, I mean, a lot of the bigger clients that we’re really going after, you know, wouldn’t onboard do an exchange directly themselves. I mean, you know, if you’re a large multi-billion dollar asset manager, you’re not going to take a selfie with your passport and share a login and password with your entire ops team, like they’re just not equipped for that. So I think it’s, you know, it’s the sort of thing where we’re we’re geared fundamentally toward servicing those larger clients. And then, you know, look, we’ll route to the exchanges with the best prices, right? So the exchanges are still going to get that liquidity, but they’re going to compete for it, and we’re going to do that in a transparent way that demonstrates that we’re doing the right thing for our clients.

Frank But in some cases, they do lose that direct relationship with the client.

Marc We think it’s offset, though. So it’s kind of a tradeoff, right? Absolutely, there were some people who had a Coinbase account, a Kraken account, a Bitstamp account, a Gemini account, and they had all the screens open, and they were, you know, manually trading across the different ones. And, you know, you’re losing some of that direct connectivity, and you probably don’t like that. On the other hand, we bring in, you know, quant funds and others that need long/short strategies that you can’t do on an individual exchange, and so they’re getting new volume. So we think it’s just part of a market shift, and, eventually, it will look not that dissimilar to equities or FX where, you know, you don’t go trade directly on Nasdaq or whatever if you’re an institution. So I think it’s just a shift of market structure. There’s obviously some downsides for them. You know, there are a lot of upsides, too. And I think ultimately many of these exchanges, to grow into their valuations, realize that they need new liquidity, new people coming in, new scale.

Ryan So to that point, do you expect consolidation this year within the exchanges?

Marc To a degree. So, you know, one of our investors and someone who was very encouraging us to start the company is a guy called Jay Kim, who’s like probably the most important but least known guy in crypto because he’s a really nice, humble guy. He started a company called Nexon, which makes Counterstrike and a bunch of awesome games out of his apartment in Korea. It’s now a 16 billion dollar company. Jay was still early in the space, he invested in Korbit, one of the early exchanges in Korea, and he recently bought Bitstamp, the exchange in Europe. So Jay’s someone who has been looking at the exchange space for a long time, was one of our first backers and investors and just has a great insight on that. And I think, you know, to answer your question, you’ll see consolidation within geographies, but not across geographies generally. So the exchange retail business is highly regulated because retail is getting affected. So like in Korea, they got really upset when, you know, some of the retail exchanges started doing margin, weren’t KYC-ing, and so the Korean government definitely wants to have an oversight on that. Same with the Japanese government, the special license they’ve now created. Even here in the U.S., trying to get a bit license as a foreign exchange is much harder, at least from the experiences we hear from our partners. So I think because of this regulatory aspect, you’re going to see, sure, within the U.S., within Europe, within Japan, a degree of consolidation because it’s a bear market and fees have to go down because folks like us don’t route to you if you have high fees. But I think that you’ll still have fragmentation globally. So that’s a lot of what we offer. You know, the 10 exchanges we have on-platform are very global, and to really tap that global liquidity, you have to use someone like us.

Frank There’s so many directions in which I want to go, but the goal for 2020 is to keep these things tight. So I have two more questions. Alright, we asked the last guest on the show what they thought about Libra. I think it’d be a good question and things at least for the next couple episodes, and I’m the host, so I get to do that. But in any case, you mentioned how there’s opportunity potentially in the future, Treasury management services, etc.. Have you talked to them? Is that something you’ve talked with them about? Yes, no, maybe so? And then follow up to that question, also Libra-related: do you think it launches in 2020?

Marc So I think I am actually quite bullish on Libra and Calibra. Not a lot of people know this, but like Mark Zuckerberg is actually one of the world’s best Civilization players, the game. He’s super smart, super creative, and wants to take over the world. You know, we have quite a lot of overlapping investors. And he is not putting this out for PR. You know, there are plenty of large institutions that might be putting out Bitcoin and crypto for PR to show how tech-forward they are. That’s not Facebook, or Instagram. You know, it’s a very tech-forward company that doesn’t need that. It’s doing it because it wants to do it. I think, you know, there’s a lot of resources in the company, its senior people are really pushing it forward, and the vision is honestly one of the primary use cases of crypto. So when I think of use cases, like payments is absolutely one of the top three use cases for crypto to have mass adoption, I’ve always thought that, you know, and I think Facebook has realized that. It has 2 billion distribution. Payments as the most obvious use case for crypto, it is why Bitcoin was originally started. Sure, it’s now switched more to store of value, etc. But you know, the first sort of transactions how Finney was using, you know, wasn’t to store value as a hedge to market, blah blah blah, it was payments. And so I think Facebook has identified that. So I think it’s really just an implementation question. But it’s hard to imagine that, you know, with all the regulatory sort of resources that they have, that there won’t be some sort of resolution to how it’ll be done. So I am bullish, but let’s say longer-term. My prediction probably would be maybe it doesn’t launch this year, maybe launches next year. It’s too hard for us and at Tagomi we don’t really time these sort of things, like again, for us it’s just build the best technology, be ready for whenever it launches. And we obviously have existential question of, you know, are we too early, are we too late? We definitely don’t think too late, but maybe too early. But, you know, we’re just kind of head down operators that are going to build an infrastructure that could support them, should they, when they want to launch.

Kevin I also think that they’re tackling a lot of the questions that people are asking of crypto directly, right? So questions around jurisdiction and legality and travel rule and all the things that, you know, we’re sort of scrambling to figure out when we look back at Bitcoin or Ethereum, or how they were launched, or how they sort of effect rules and regulations. You know, something like Libra, they got to go tackle these things head-on. You know, they’re gonna go in front of Congress, they’re gonna go in front of governments and really like hash these things out, versus other cryptocurrencies where you don’t only have somebody to, frankly, go talk to. So that’s gonna do a great service for industry because it’s going to force us to really answer some of these questions and figure out what would work in different jurisdictions. You know, what could we change about the network structure? What could we change about the way that we operate a wallet to make it work for the current legal regime and then evolve that and work with the governments to change it? So I think it’s it’s actually can provide a lot of great insight and do a lot of great education for the governments around the world.

Frank Very good answer. Well, thank you so much. This is exactly what I want the scoop to look like in 2020. Tons of insights, tons of good stories.

Ryan Yeah, this was great.

Frank Thank you. Tagomi, Mark. Kevin, thank you so much for joining us.

Kevin Thanks.

Marc Thank you.
